Character Tooltip Issue


New Member
Hi everyone.

Since the patch some mods create a problem that doesn't allow you to see tooltip info on your bag and character items. This was really annoying when I wanted to socket a gem. ItemRack was one of them, but has since been updated. Another mod that you need to make sure you update is WOWecon as it is also affected by the patch.

If you know of any others that are creating this issue, please post here and hopefully we will see updates to the mods soon.

Any bag mod, such as bagnon, onebag, all-in-one, etc will cause problems. EquipCompare supposedly can cause some problems, too.
the only way this is working on rhys is to disable my bag add on, however on haveo or anyother chars it works fine lol
Hm. I use OneBag and I still don't get tooltips. I guess it's time to start taking out other mods to find the issue :(
i did some more testing this morning... it seems that it's a combination of OneBag and WoWEcon that is causing my problems. Disabling either solves it. I even tried a different bagmod with the same result.

The ones I know are, ItemRack and MonkeyQuest in addition to those already spoken.
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Hurray! WoWEcon patched today to fix the problem with bag mods. You may want to start turning on your other mods to see if those issues were fixed, as well.