Castle Crashers


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Who has it? Who still plays it? And who's interested in playing it with me? :D
Don't have it. Probably gonna get it really soon. Been spending money lately... but it's a good deal on a long awaited game from my "should get" list.

Will probably get Pink Knight, too. :p
Don't have it. Probably gonna get it really soon. Been spending money lately... but it's a good deal on a long awaited game from my "should get" list.'ll probably never go on sale ever again!

...Or maybe it's only waiting since October for a sale on Castle Crashers leads me to believe that.

Will probably get Pink Knight, too. :p
Gaming + charity = win.'ll probably never go on sale ever again!
The drama... I <3 it. :p

Mostly just meant that I'll think about it for a day before buying on reflex.

'cides, the Store is down for updates right now. :p
Officially have it... finally. Fun times. Much more fun than I expected it to be based on the demo... and I haven't even gotten to play multiplayer yet.
I beat the tar out of this, but would still be up for doing this with you guys sometime. Just don't know when.
I beat the tar out of this, but would still be up for doing this with you guys sometime. Just don't know when.
Roger that.

Watch for me on PSN and send me a message if you see me on. Chances are good if I have the PS3 powered on, I'm interested in playing Castle Crashers...especially since I haven't played it online yet.
Dunno why my PS3 wasn't playing nice tonight (wasn't just Castle Crashers that wouldn't work right). I was disappoint.

Saw you guys played a bit, though. Hope it met your expectations, Tek! :)

I'll have to get my system sitch sorted and actually play next time.
Well, for me to host I'm not sure if it was the port forwarding or turning on uPnP that did it. I'd recommend running through the internet connection test and verifying that everything passes. We got just past the wedding/parade/etc I believe.
We got just past the wedding/parade/etc I believe.
Yep! And had a great time. :) Looking forward to playing online again. Hoping you get your Internet gremlins squashed before then, Kendrick!
Much ownage was administered. Can't wait to get my other save back.

Need to finish a few trophies I hadn't gotten credit for. Have every single pet except one and allllmost enough money to buy that. I've beaten it on insane a few times but did not get credit, not 100% sure why there. Not sure if i'll go for the 40 ranked arena matches.