Bit the bullet - Bought another character slot


New Member
I had been thinking about buying another character slot for a long time cause I wanted a primary ele to go skill hunting with and just to have another role to play as.

Well, with the slots on sale this week I bit the bullet and got one, so I'm glad to say that in the next few days my new ele will be joining the ranks of pre-searing guildies, hopefully attaining LDoA for my account eventually.

Looking forward to bashin' some Charr with ya - Level 6 style, lol.
Annnnnd....I'm level had a nice streak at survivor going too until i went over the wall with someone. Oh well, my ranger's my survivor I guess, my ele will be the legendary defender.
You new LDoAs kids have it so easy.. I remember having to hike uphill in the snow both ways barefoot just to get to the charr!
I didn't like it when I had to wake up early every morning before school to kill the Charr I had death leveled the night before. But yes, it was very rewarding to finally hit 20 and get my shiny new title :)