An idea for a mod that I'm just throwing out

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
I'm just throwing it out because I haven't a clue how to lua script. Any tutorials? :p

After seeing ItemRack, a friend of mine and olde school ex-WoW player told me that in his opinion, such an idea would be best applied to the placement of buttons in hotbars. Thats right, instead of a mod that quickly and easily swaps out gear, he was looking for a mod that quickly and easily swapped out the buttons on his hotbars --- "ButtonRack" if you will.

+ Easily tailor your buttons to match your forms and stances!
+ Finally, enough room for a warrior to place ALL his or her abilities!
+ All of your stealth, bear, and cat buttons no longer need to be on the same bar!
+ Share your characters with a friend or loved one who tends to move your buttons around? No problem. Simply save a profile and boot it up with the click of a mouse!

So far, the idea as far as I am concerned is to make a mod that features a dropdown menu with a "save" and "load" feature. The Save feature would take a 'snapshot' of your current bar configuration and attach it to a name. The "load" feature (clicking on the name in the DDM) would restore the bars to the saved configuration. Titan compatibility would be a huge plus as well. Also, the mod would also contain a call script to allow the mod to be attached to macros. (e.g. /script buttonrack(bear) or something like that)

Anyhow, tell me what you think of this idea, how feasible it is, and whether or not I can simply download it from Curse-Gaming
Actually, there has been a few mods, out since I can remember, which do something similar. The one I use (and am very happy with) is called Flexbar.

With flexbar, for example, when I am in Melee range with my hunter, only melee icons show, at bow range, only those icons show. The same is true with my druid, as different buttons show depending on which form I am in. these buttons also change the key associated with them, for example, my '3' key is concussion shot in ranged, but wing clip in melee range.

I also have my buttons moved to other locations around the screen which are more convienient for me (I removed the bottom bar, though it still pops up when I push the 'N' button).

As far as hidden menues, I have buttons which only appear when I hit the 'Ctrl' or 'Alt' or 'Shift' keys. They could also be tied to any other keys, but again, those are convienient for me.

Full disclosure : there is a little configuration involved, but once it is set up, is fairly easy to maintain and change.

Forum with details and examples is at
Sorry to post again, but the edit wasnt working for some reason.

It is also possible to have buttons show based on certain thresholds (mana or life), and receiving aggro (feign death, fade), or to have them change size and / or transparency based on definable threshholds.

Further full disclosure : i would not consider this an easy 'snapshot' point and click configuration, but the documentation is excellent (I am not a programer) and the examples are easy to follow and felxible. this takes some time and work on the front end but makes the game much more enjoyable for me.
You can try out the button mod I wrote. This zip file contains a whole slew of mods I am working on, most are quite functional, however, you can run just the button mod with the base dependency. I have used it extensively with Azolas and I am quite pleased of how it works with druids.
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I am currently using Connor's Trinity and like it for Tinie. The way his ability bars work, I added my 3 stances, like you would have your 3 forms, on the top bar. When you click a certain stance/form, the bottom 2 bars will change to reflect the abilities that are eligible for that stance/form. So you just click a stance/form, then make the buttons match the stance/form to set it up. Makes it nice to have all my abilities pop up for my stance:)

His bars are also nice cause they collaspe, which saves on space if you don't use all the buttons on the bar.

He has fixed the tooltip to fit in with his bar spots and it works very nicely for saving space on your screen.

He has a great trinket system set up on one of the bars, for ease in switching trinkets.

He has a hidden bar behind the trinket bar, for those abilities you don't use often; I have put my tradeskills there.

He has a location mod that is above the minimap, performance mod that is in the top left of the screen, durability mod in top left, and money mod in top left. He has a cog on the minimap for toggling the way player names/guild are shown above character heads, one for decursive, and one for the trinket menu.

Be aware that the Titan bar will not work with Connor's Trinity though, due to where his bars are placed. There was nothing that I really needed from Titan except the durability and money mod I liked on the bar, and he has added those. All extra mods I have downloaded, except for Titan, are working fine with Connor's Trinity.

I have also uninstalled Ctmod cause I was having bugs with it, and Connor's Trinity already had a good setup for the bar size and such. I went and downloaded stand alone things that were in Ctmod, like buff timers and chat scroll, and Ctraidassist that he didn't have.

All in all it is a smooth running UI that has cut down on my lag and improved my overall performance. He also says that he has built it not to bust with each patch, which is a big plus:)

Tinie said:
All in all it is a smooth running UI that has cut down on my lag and improved my overall performance. He also says that he has built it not to bust with each patch, which is a big plus:)


The main reason I am making this mod is because of the frustration I had with fiddling with the addons after each patch, or running around for a few days or even a week without mods because they are not working. Most of the code hooks the original blizzard code, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. There are many functions in the default UI that are under-utilized.

Also, some of the mods are modifications of existing mods, like the trinket one. I made it to be more visually appealing and also reduced the amount of configuration (another way of reducing patch-breaking).

The mods are not 100% break proof, that would be impossible, but the design philosophy I have taken is "I don't want to mess with mods each new patch!"
We need screenies! Can you post some? You can use the photo album function on TF's website if you don't have somewhere else to link from.
I would post pics of how I have mine setup, but I have no idea how to do that:(

Another thing to mention is that in Trinity, the bars are fixed in Connor's arrangement to fit with his UI, which worked well for me. He is putting in a slide bar, like in CTmod, to adjust the size of the bars though.

Discord Mod

Neirai the Forgiven said:
I'm just throwing it out because I haven't a clue how to lua script. Any tutorials? :p

After seeing ItemRack, a friend of mine and olde school ex-WoW player told me that in his opinion, such an idea would be best applied to the placement of buttons in hotbars. Thats right, instead of a mod that quickly and easily swaps out gear, he was looking for a mod that quickly and easily swapped out the buttons on his hotbars --- "ButtonRack" if you will.

+ Easily tailor your buttons to match your forms and stances!
+ Finally, enough room for a warrior to place ALL his or her abilities!
+ All of your stealth, bear, and cat buttons no longer need to be on the same bar!
+ Share your characters with a friend or loved one who tends to move your buttons around? No problem. Simply save a profile and boot it up with the click of a mouse!

So far, the idea as far as I am concerned is to make a mod that features a dropdown menu with a "save" and "load" feature. The Save feature would take a 'snapshot' of your current bar configuration and attach it to a name. The "load" feature (clicking on the name in the DDM) would restore the bars to the saved configuration. Titan compatibility would be a huge plus as well. Also, the mod would also contain a call script to allow the mod to be attached to macros. (e.g. /script buttonrack(bear) or something like that)

Anyhow, tell me what you think of this idea, how feasible it is, and whether or not I can simply download it from Curse-Gaming

I use Discord Action Bars and its great for druid forms and warrior stances. It basically does everything your talking about including profiles. It does take a little getting used to but the site is full of information and the message boards are active and the author is always around.