2v2 arena


New Member
I am seriously interested in doing some 2v2 pvp. I would like to know who else is interested, I might even consider 3v3. 5v5 is too much chaos for people who do not regularly pvp. If you are interested, please let me know. Also please know I am not going to invite everyone who shows interest. The classes I am currently considering grouping with: hunter, pally, fury war. But will most def. consider other classes, given they have a deep interest in pvp. I 'bought' my first 70 pvp gear today, I have one more piece I would like to go after. Please note if we do lose :) im not going to be angry or kick you out LOL..I just want some serious pvping :D
Rueage (rogue) is my pvp character but I see rogues aren't invited ;) In any case, if you change your mind, let me know.
Hey thats certainly not true! I posted my preferred classes, but your an excellent player so I would very distinctly consider taking any of your toons LOL
Hey thats certainly not true! I posted my preferred classes, but your an excellent player so I would very distinctly consider taking any of your toons LOL

But your other qualification if they are not on your list:

But will most def. consider other classes, given they have a deep interest in pvp.

Does not fit Allanon at all. Nope. Nada.

Besides, you don't know if he is the one that is a good player or if it his kids who are . . .
Hey do I detect a tinge of jealousy there ;) and thank-you Daire, lets get together and see what damage Rueage and Daire can do.
LOL Im having doubts.. I think Id like to know which kid of yours it is, so we can work something out (thanks connor i had no idea!!) LOL
LOL uhoh this is gona turn into a 'my kids are better than your kids' ahhhhhhh

well guys, I have no kids so that automatically puts me as #1. Problem solved! lol

Okk, I'll talk to you about pvp stuff later
Fury warrior? You want burst not flimsy fury dps. Go for MS and let those rogues in plate panzy around in pve!!