As you may have noticed, there hasn't been a sermon posted in about a month. Our lack of attendance was not excluded in this week's sermon. We had several show up, then leave during opening prayer. Having already started, I wanted to finish Cammm and I took the Word of God to Castle Sauvage. My heart cries out for those who chose not to accept the word, but am so happy at those who did. Here's mostly how it played out.
[19:54:28] @@You yell, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not."
[19:55:24] @@You yell, "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted"
[19:56:02] @@You yell, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
[19:56:31] @@You yell, "Who was Isaiah talking about in his prophecy?"
[19:56:47] @@You yell, "None other than the coming Messiah...our Lord Jesus Christ"
[19:56:58] @@Keyes yells, "WE DON"T CARE"
[19:57:10] Comodore slaps you!
[19:57:21] @@Keyes yells, "WE ONLY CARE ABOUT ARTHUR AND MERLIN!"
[19:57:42] Keyes slaps you!
[19:57:49] @@You yell, "and just as it says in verse chapter 53 verse 3...'he is despised and rejected of men"
[19:57:55] @@Cammm yells, "the God he speaks of is the God of all of Albion"
[19:57:56] @@Agloval yells, "hey let him finish his tale .... hes a minstrel after all"
[19:58:00] @@Inferi yells, "Praise Arawn! Arthur's God!"
[19:58:19] Keyes slaps Cammm!
[19:58:23] @@Yurameshi yells, "anyone got a gun i wanna shot this preist thing"
[19:58:38] @@You say, "Arthur followed the One True God...even to search for the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ"
[19:58:57] @@Keyes yells, "You'll never find me"
[19:59:50] @@You yell, "But just as you are rejecting him, He was rejected by his own people and died on the cross"
[19:59:59] @@You yell, "But why did he die on the cross?"
[20:00:24] @@Telecontar yells, "Bah bah black sheep have ye any wooool "
[20:00:45] @@Telecontar yells, "Yes sir , yes sir , 3 bags fuuuuull"
[20:00:53] @@Telecontar yells, "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL"
[20:01:15] @@You yell, "Isaiah says 'Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted'"
[20:02:02] @@You yell, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed'"
[20:02:37] @@You yell, "He took the burden of our sins...our punishment so that we would not have to...he bled and died in pain and agony on that cross for all of you...yet you despise him and turn away from him"
[20:03:09] @@Drusain says, "What is this you speak of?"
[20:03:46] @@Cammm yells, "He welcomes all who comes to Him, there are no prereq or quals you need to come to Him"
[20:03:54] @@You yell, "'All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to hsi own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all'"
[20:04:21] @@You yell, "We have all sinned and fell short of the glory of God...we can not say we are not sinners...for we all are"
[20:04:38] @@Telecontar yells, "Gyllis you need HELP"
[20:05:24] @@You yell, "We all go astray, just like a sheep...but God is like a shepherd...bringing his sheep back to him...through Jesus Christ"
[20:05:31] @@You yell, "His one and only begotten son"
[20:06:05] @@Trystab yells, "how insane do you have to be to preach in an online game? <chuckle>"
[20:06:05] Llianna curtseys to you.
[20:06:09] @@Kardas yells, "Keep your preahing out of game - not all are chrsitans here and really don't care for the garbage"
[20:06:15] @@You yell, "He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter...and as a sheep before her shearers"
[20:06:36] Trystab makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:06:36] @@Hildace says, "hehe"
[20:08:09] @@You yell, "in verse 12..Isaiah says 'Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many,"
[20:08:21] @@You yell, "'and made intercession for the transgressors'"
[20:08:56] @@Trystab yells, "how insane do you have to be to preach in an online game? <chuckle> Is this guy for real?"
[20:09:07] @@Comodore says, "can someone help me haul Gyllis off to the nuthouse"
[20:09:18] @@You yell, "Was it any coincidence that he died between two sinners..."
[20:09:28] Cammm yells for help from the southeast!
[20:09:43] @@Kardas yells, "come die to this Pagan witch ye bible thumper"
[20:09:59] @@You yell, "He was hung upon a cross, as a sinner's punishment...taking that punishment for us to be the intercessor of us all"
[20:10:04] @@Riztal sends, "i enjoy your preeching"
[20:10:11] @@You send, "thank you" to Riztal
[20:10:23] @@Riztal sends, "they dont know what roleplaying is"
[20:10:32] Hildace slaps you!
[20:10:35] Hildace slaps you!
[20:10:44] Hildace challenges you to a duel! /duel accept to begin, /duel decline to decline.
[20:10:51] Hildace makes a throat slit motion at you.
[20:10:56] Kardas dismisses you.
[20:11:21] @@Cammm says, "Hild, Gy speaks of the truth"
[20:11:28] @@Hildace says, "who cares"
[20:11:35] @@Hildace says, "who honestly gives a crap"
[20:11:41] @@Hildace says, "why dont u talk to the wall"
[20:11:44] @@Hildace says, "ugh"
[20:11:46] @@You yell, "His arms spread on that cross is only a symbol of His love for us...his arms open wide to accept us...all we have to do is believe"
[20:11:48] @@Hildace says, "take your crap to another game"
[20:11:57] @@Hildace says, "i dont believe in that sh!t"
[20:11:59] @@Hildace says, "go shove it"
[20:12:13] @@Rythok says, "Hmmm"
[20:12:17] Hildace cancels the duel.
[20:12:28] @@Rythok says, "Didnt know you got that rude Hildace"
[20:12:29] @@You yell, "For when the one thief turned to Jesus and asked him to remember him...Jesus told him that he would be in paradise with him"
[20:13:11] @@You yell, "The thief was not perfect...he did not do any good works, even after being saved...all he did was believe and he was saved"
[20:13:48] @@You yell, "He was given the promise of being in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ who sits ont he right side of our Father God"
[20:14:12] @@Hildace sends, "go back to the bible belt, ya freak"
[20:14:25] @@Cammm yells, "To as mnay that recieve him shall have everlasting life. that means ALL who come will have everlasting life "
[20:14:27] @@You send, "we shall see who is right, soon" to Hildace
[20:15:16] @@You yell, "Jesus is our comforter...and our redeemer...we only need to turn to him"
[20:15:58] @@You yell, "for our spirits are dead from sin...but accepting Christ revives that that we may live with him forever in paradise"
[20:16:15] @@Drykane yells, "OK!! WHO IS SERMONIZING HERE?!"
[20:16:15] @@Carpathian yells, "HAIL JESUS!"
[20:16:54] @@Cammm says, "Gy is friend, care to here the good news?"
[20:17:02] @@Myro yells, "Arawn will recieve your souls!!! Opps I shouldnt have said that... <blush>"
[20:17:04] @@Carpathian sends, "thank you"
[20:17:16] @@You yell, "Turn away from your sins...from the world and turn to Jesus Christ...son of the One True God...our Savior and Redeemer..."
[20:17:22] @@Drykane yells, "I AM AN ADEPT OF ARWAN! do NOT listen to this heretic! follow the god of death! so that you will only die once! follow him, and reape souls!"
[20:17:44] @@Drykane yells, "WITNESS THE POWER OF ARWAN!"
[20:17:47] @@Rythok yells, "Dont listen to them *I* am the TRUE God!!!"
[20:18:19] @@Carpathian sends, "dont listen to strong in the lord."
[20:18:21] The necroservant casts a spell!
[20:18:21] The necroservant gains a clinical precision to their death dealing.
[20:18:25] @@You yell, "There is only One True God...the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph"
[20:18:29] @@Drykane says, "can your "god" do this?"
[note: Drykane raised his pet]
[20:18:41] @@You yell, "The God of David"
[20:18:46] @@Drykane yells, "can he raise the dead to do his bidding?"
[20:18:56] @@You yell, "Jesus rose himself from the dead"
[20:19:00] @@Boadric yells, "There are no gods..."
[20:19:05] @@Drykane yells, "can he STEAL THE LIFE FORCE OUT OF OUR FOES?!"
[20:19:24] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:25] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:25] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:25] Drykane dismisses you.
[20:19:25] @@Myro yells, "can he make a great cheddar cheese?"
[20:19:26] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:27] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:28] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:29] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:29] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:30] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:31] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:31] @@Drykane yells, "YES HE CAN!"
[20:19:31] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:33] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:34] Boadric slaps you!
[20:19:35] Boadric slaps you!
[20:19:36] Hildace makes a rude gesture at you.
[20:19:38] Hildace slaps you!
[20:19:44] Drykane cheers at Hildace!
[20:19:46] Hildace slaps you!
[20:19:49] Hildace slaps you!
[20:19:51] Hildace taunts you.
[20:19:52] Hildace taunts you.
[20:19:59] @@Drykane yells, "ARWAN CAN MAKE A GREAT CHEDDAR CHEESE!"
[20:20:06] @@You yell, "Listen to the word of God"
[20:20:07] @@Hildace says, "haha"
[20:20:12] @@Hildace says, "how about no"
[20:20:22] @@Hildace says, "u freak"
[20:20:22] @@Drykane says, "they are, they are listening to me, foul preacher"
[20:20:25] @@Hildace says, "its all false"
[20:20:32] @@Hildace says, "listen to the word of science"
[20:20:33] @@Hildace says, "u idiot"
[20:20:38] Hildace slaps you!
[20:20:40] Hildace slaps you!
[20:20:43] Hildace slaps you!
[20:20:43] Drykane cheers at Hildace!
[20:20:46] Hildace slaps you!
[20:20:51] Hildace taunts you.
[20:20:51] @@Cammm says, "science proves God existance if you know science"
[20:20:52] @@You yell, "God wants to give you a chance...even though you turn from him"
[20:20:55] Drykane hugs Hildace.
[20:21:03] @@Hildace says, "there is no god"
[20:21:10] @@Hildace says, "ahha"
[20:21:17] @@Drykane says, "try it, a leader from science, vs. a leader from the church!"
[20:21:17] @@Hildace says, "i dont believe in spirits"
[20:21:19] @@Hildace says, "hahah"
[20:21:20] @@Drykane yells, "DUEL!"
[20:21:24] @@Hildace says, "DUEL"
[20:21:27] @@Hildace says, "lets go"
[20:21:31] @@Cammm says, "so Satab wants you to believe but God wants to give you all good and perfect things"
[20:21:38] @@Drykane says, "duel him, preacher of the church"
[20:21:40] @@Hildace says, "tehres no satab either"
[20:21:43] @@Hildace says, "idiot"
[20:21:50] Hildace slaps Cammm!
[20:21:53] Hildace makes a rude gesture at Cammm.
[20:21:54] @@Drykane says, "who is talking of satan?"
[20:21:56] @@You yell, "I shall not fight...for what good is that?"
[20:22:10] @@Drykane says, "to show how strongly you believe in your faith"
[20:22:11] @@Hildace says, "you're pathetic"
[20:22:17] @@Drykane says, "do you?"
[20:22:21] @@Hildace says, "u pathetic worshippin freak"
[20:22:30] @@Drykane says, "do you believe that god will faise you above this foe?"
[20:22:38] @@Hildace says, "why dont u go to your local church, just maybe it will burn down with u in it"
[20:22:38] @@Drykane says, "if you do not, you have nothing"
[20:22:40] @@Carpathian sends, "I say thank you for that"
[20:23:03] Hildace hugs Drykane.
[20:23:05] Hildace cheers at Drykane!
[20:23:14] @@Drykane sends, "ohh, and BTW, im VERY impressed by this, if i was on my main, i would be with you, he is a cleric, but hey, this is a necro
[20:23:21] @@Llianna says, "Thia be a role playing game, and one should not be put down for playing his role well"
[20:23:34] @@Hildace says, "preachign is not role playing"
[20:23:46] @@Drykane says, "this IS RPing"
[20:23:51] @@Cammm says, "Chruch of Albion? what do chruches do?"
[20:24:05] @@Drykane says, "i think they are places where fat people get together to sing, but im not shure"
[20:24:07] @@Cammm says, "exactly"
[20:24:22] @@Hildace says, "places where they suck money out and tell u how to run your life"
[20:24:28] @@Drykane says, "TEMPLES on the other hand..."
[20:24:32] @@Hildace says, "i can run my life how i choose..and quite frankly i dont believe in that BS"
[20:24:39] @@Llianna says, "Our good King Arthur wast a Christian, and he would be most disappointed to see the folly of his land"
[20:24:49] @@Drykane says, "was he?"
[20:24:53] @@Cammm says, "so you wont belive in the one true God but Arwan and these temples are the real deal?"
[20:24:56] @@Llianna says, "Aye!"
[20:25:02] @@Drykane says, "he took a sword from a goddess of the lake"
[20:25:09] @@Hildace says, "i wnot believe in anything"
[20:25:10] @@Hildace says, "ugh"
[20:25:15] @@Hildace says, "im goin to df"
[20:25:18] @@Drykane says, "he followed merlin, a child of a succibus"
[20:25:21] @@Hildace says, "go preach some more, why dont ya, ya freak"
[20:25:38] @@Drykane says, "HEY!!!"
[20:25:46] @@Cammm says, "read history and science and it will re affrim Gods existence"
[20:25:55] @@Drykane says, "Llianna! yer a reaver! yer on MY side! not his!"
[20:26:52] @@Llianna says, "I am but one in my family, and I will nay hear the beliefs of my family spoken against"
[20:27:09] @@You yell, "Turn from your ways and to Jesus Christ"
[20:27:15] @@Drykane says, "truely? do you not draw power from arwan anymore?"
[20:27:21] Cammm yells for help from the southeast!
[20:27:21] Drykane beg Llianna.
[20:27:27] @@Drykane says, "tell me its not true!"
[20:27:38] @@Drykane says, "and you, just shoo, your annoying now"
[20:27:42] Drykane dismisses you.
[20:28:43] @@Cammm says, "if its so bad why arent you leaving ? Gods Holy Spirit is drawing you to here His word. I was once lost too , and now the scales have been lifted from my eyes "
[20:28:55] @@Llianna says, "whilst I may have chosen an expedient course for my life, I will defend to my dying breath the beliefs of my King and my family and all those who wish only to speak truth"
[20:28:56] @@Drykane says, "look at THIS!"
[20:29:01] Drykane points at the necroservant.
[20:29:18] @@Drykane says, "that is the power of ARWAN"
[20:29:31] @@Drykane says, "now, gyllis, show me the power of "god""
[20:29:35] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:29:38] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:29:38] The necroservant's attacks move with the speed of the wind!
[20:29:42] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:29:42] The necroservant is covered in a sheath of earth.
[20:29:45] @@Llianna says, "bye, ty"
[20:29:56] @@Cammm says, "Buffs staright from God, Dykane"
[20:29:57] @@Drykane says, "well?"
[20:30:14] @@Drykane says, "those are of the earth, "earthen power"... and they will fade"
[20:30:27] @@Cammm says, "aye and I need only ask God to renew them"
[20:30:30] @@Drykane says, "the skin of sand, will take but a single hit"
[20:30:51] @@Drykane says, "but this creation, will survive a forest giants attack"
[20:31:04] @@Drykane says, "and return the attack with death to the attacker"
[20:31:11] @@Cammm says, "i have seen nerco pets fall time and time again"
[20:31:23] @@Drykane says, "but they always come back, to rise again"
[20:31:30] @@Cammm says, "same with the buffs"
[20:31:31] @@Llianna says, "as your pet falls, so does your life"
[20:31:40] @@Drykane says, "does it?"
[20:31:44] @@Drykane says, "look"
[20:31:48] @@Drykane says, "i am fine"
[20:31:51] Drykane casts a spell!
[20:31:52] @@Treriryn says, "but it begins anew"
[20:31:57] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:31:57] The necroservant's weapon is imbued with the strength of the earth.
[20:31:59] @@Drykane says, "and see, it is alive once again"
[20:32:00] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:32:00] The necroservant's attacks move with the speed of the wind!
[20:32:04] Cammm casts a spell!
[20:32:04] The necroservant is covered in a sheath of earth.
[20:32:38] @@Drykane says, "and now, my guild is calling me to aid in the defence of our fair realm, as YOU sit here and preach"
[20:32:58] @@Llianna says, "Drykane, ye follow Arawn only for power, and that be wrong also"
[20:33:00] @@Drykane says, "adeu, and may camelot shine with light from ARWAN"
[20:33:06] @@Cammm says, "God created all including the Inconnus and He wished them to serve Himself and HE will give greater pwoer"
[20:33:29] @@You say, "thank you both for speaking up for me, Llianna and Camm..."
[20:33:42] Llianna curtseys to you.
[20:34:01] @@Cammm says, "np"
[20:34:14] Llianna waves to you.
[20:34:30] @@You yell, "My heart goes out to all who are here...especially those who choose to refuse the word of God"
[20:35:05] @@Icorian says, "erm, Pardon Gyllis?"
[20:35:12] Icorian ponders at you.
[20:35:16] @@You yell, "May the Holy Spirit touch your hearts and soften them so that you may be able to accept Jesus Christ"
[20:36:01] @@[Guild] Gyllis: "so, what do you say, Cammm...think we've done enough, here?"
[20:36:11] @@[Guild] Cammm: "i think so"
[20:36:25] @@Icorian says, "ok....I don't believe preaching about current religions has anything to do with Camelot Gyllis...."
[20:36:29] @@[Guild] Gyllis: "twas very interesting"
[20:36:47] @@You say, "what do you mean, Icorian"
[20:37:20] @@You say, "I am speaking scripture that was written thousands of years ago"
[20:37:27] @@You yell, "way before Arthur and Camelot"
[20:37:49] @@Icorian says, "ahhh, forgive my ignorance, history is certainely not my strong point"
[20:37:58] Icorian bows to you.
[20:38:07] @@You yell, "and since Arthur followed Jesus Christ himself...this is a perfect plaCE"
[20:38:20] @@[Party] Cammm: "that was easy
[20:38:22] @@You send, "it is ok" to Icorian
[20:38:26] @@[Party] Cammm: "Praise GOd"