Addressment: Breaking ToJ policies

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New Member
There have been a number of reports coming to me about ToJ members breaking the server rules while wearing the ToJ tag. This is NOT acceptable by any means. If you are caught breaking the server rules, even if not wearing the ToJ tag, you will be banned on the spot and your ToJ membership status revoked. Don't even come to us after you were banned saying you were not warned; this IS your warning.

This includes, but not limited to: Accusations of hacking, Profanity (Causing the swear filter to go off unless it was a serious accident, Spacing out words so the filter wont go off, saying "BS" or any other acronyms), cheating (using any kind of Cheat, Hack or crack. We know what hacks look like so don't even try.)

This is a very serious issue and will no longer be tolerated by the server adminstrators, or the Tribe of judah. We are an example to those who come here to play with us. What do you think they think when they see our members breaking their own rules?

13“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. - Matthew 5:13

Do not let yourselves be trampled by man, rather be the Light which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 5:16

If you see any ToJ members breaking the server rules, record a condump and send it to
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