Reviving CGA's channel bot?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all.

To help revive interest in Starcraft and Warcraft III among forum members, I would like to revive the bot for op cga on US East and US West servers.

I used to run the channel bot on my third PC when living in Tulsa, but since moving into an apartment with my wife, I am no longer able to host the bot.

The purpose of the bot was to moderate the channel; the bot gave us the ability to keep a list of users that had been kicked and banned from the channel for various offenses (usually hate language against Christianity). It also added features such as botmail, which allowed users to leave messages for one another on the channel. The bot also streamed channel text to the Christian Gamers Alliance web site. Overall, it was quite spiff.

So, down to business. This is what it's going to take to get the op cga bot running once again:

1. A dedicated computer. The bot must reside on a dedicated Windows PC. The requirements for both Binary Gateway and UltimateBot are low, so you can dust off that old Pentium 233 in the closet and fire it up, OR add it to the server load on a Windows PC that's already acting as a server. You don't have to dedicate an entire PC to the bot; you can run other applications on it. To be honest, though, I don't remember if the two programs required to run the bot will run on Windows 98. I believe they do, but I can't guarantee it.
2. A 24/7 connection. This means that you must have some kind of broadband Internet connection and the dedicated computer you use must be on every hour of every day. The bot uses a trivial amount of bandwidth, so this should not affect your gaming or other server applications if you share a connection through a router.

Software [NOTE: All programs listed are freeware.]
1. Binary Gateway 3. This program makes it possible to host a bot outside of channels designated for chat on servers.
2. UltimateBot. This is the bot program I used previously. I selected UltimateBot after trying several bots out. I doubt anything better has been released since last August, but I'd be willing to entertain the suggestion of a new bot program.
3. WebStream, a plugin for Binary Gateway. This will stream channel text to the CGA web site, once I (or SirThom) set up the appropriate web pages.

If you are able and willing to run the bot, please e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org and include your forum handle. I'll give you the information (bot account information, CD key for Binary Gateway) and we'll get started on reviving the op cga bot. ^^
It also added features such as botmail, which allowed users to leave messages for one another on the channel.

That wont be needed...much...

Patch 1.12 of SC/BW:
Added Friend mail feature that allows you to email members of your Friends List.

Besides, Will it work?
Last time(*cough years cough*), bot was off and on, not a 24/7...connection...(Bugs/Errors/etc.)
Hrmph, I can't seem to download UltimateBot. Does anyone have this downloaded already or have a different location to download it from?
SirThom said:
Hrmph, I can't seem to download UltimateBot. Does anyone have this downloaded already or have a different location to download it from?
Aye. I found a copy in my archives and uploaded it to CGA web space. I've e-mailed you a link to the download.

There may be a delay restorting the bot as the Binary Gateway update server is on the blink. BG's general discussion and tech support forums have been spammed with reports of users unable to connect.

While the BG team is working to resolve the issue, I'm testing StealthBot on my Win98 box. I've set the bot up to log in as cga and join op cga on US East. So far, I haven't had any problems, but StealthBot seems to be lacking most of the features that makes UltimateBot so cool. Still, it's a good temporary measure.

I'll likely take the bot down Friday or Saturday, or sooner if the BG crew fixes the problems plaguing their update server. I can also pull the bot sooner if someone is able and willing to host the bot on a Windows (98, 2000, or XP) box with a 24/7 broadband connection.
Haven't gotten the email yet, but I will give you a while :P

The computer I have for the bot is Windows 2000, so that's still better than 98. Just let me know what you want me to host, and I will get it runnin' :)

EDIT: Just noticed you posted the reply 4 minutes before me, hehe. Sorry :o

EDIT EDIT: Okay, I got the bot. I will post further once it is up and running.
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Well, the bot we used is apparently not what we have now, and we have to go with a different bot for the time being due to some issues with the other bot. Once those issues get resolved, the bot app will be changed.