Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
This thread contains a list of players who have a custom icon associated with their Steam ID on the Tribe of Judah: Natural Selection server.
DO NOT post questions regarding custom icons here.
Here are instructions for submitting custom icons for inclusion on the Tribe of Judah Natural Selection server:
DO NOT post questions regarding custom icons here.
Here are instructions for submitting custom icons for inclusion on the Tribe of Judah Natural Selection server:
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Can I get a custom icon?
If you want to create a custom icon for our Natural Selection, you'll need to e-mail the following to tek7 AT toj DOT cc:
- Your icon .TGA file, compressed in .ZIP format OR a link to .ZIP containing your icon .TGA file
- Your Steam ID (To get your Steam ID, go into any server and type status in console. Your steam id will look similar to STEAM_0:0:12345)
I'll upload the icon to the server, add your Steam ID to the Admin Icons configuration file, and post a reply in the "Players with custom icons" thread to verify your icon's been uploaded and activated.
For a tutorial on how to create custom icons, click here.