Scripts and help...


I've gotten numerous questions on how to view the demo after downloading it ... well here's your answer.

If you want to view it with ease goto Geekplay and download the regular "" and then the cstrike version that you need. For example, I have the retail version of Counter Strike, so I downloaded the retail version of GeekPlay. So, you either need to download "" or "", depending on what version of Counter Strike you have. Install everything and then all you have to do after that is double click on the demo file that you downloaded and GeekPlay does everything else for you! If you want the little maps that show in GeekPlay, download the "" file under the map packs.

If you want to do it the old fashion way ... copy the file to your "cstrike" directory and then go into CS and drop the console and type "playdemo filenameofthedemo", and when you want to stop it ... type "stopdemo".

Have fun with the demos ... and with HLTV recorded demos you can have numerous views, but with a first-person recorded demo, you can only view what they record
At the CS forums, I found a new demo recording script that allows you to name the demo whatever you want to name it while you're still inside CS! I tested it and it works ... here's the code.

Code Sample
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
alias dem1 "developer 1; echo ***Please enter a demo name***; developer 0; messagemode record; alias dem dem2"
alias dem2 "developer 1; echo ***Recording Stopped***; developer 0; stop; alias dem dem1"
alias dem "dem1"

Code Sample
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
bind "?" "dem"
Where ? = whatever key you want to bind it to.

You hit the bound key (for my situation, it's the "Delete" button), so, I hit the Delete button and then type in a demo name, then hit enter, it starts recording. Then, whenever I want to stop the demo, I hit the Delete key again, and it stops.

IMPORTANT : Stop recording right after each map change, then record again at the beginning of the round.
For example ... you're a CT first round and you record it just right, then after we win you stop recording ... once we get switched over to T's, push the bound key to start recording another demo.

To play the demo

playdemo (or with the play, stop, and other features "viewdemo") then the demoname, so for example :

playdemo demo1.dem
viewdemo demo1.dem

I came across this script in the CS forums as well ... I find it to be quite useful. What it does is lets you choose what your handle is by pressing a number key (on the keyboard, not the keypad). Here's the code :

Code Sample
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
alias dev1 "developer 1"
alias dev0 "developer 0"
alias nameswitch "dev1; echo 1. [ToJ]Goose62 2. g00sey 3. TheG00seFather 4. ^_^ 5. d-_-b 0. Cancel; dev0; 2rebinding2"

alias namo1 "name [ToJ]Goose62; bindback"
alias namo2 "name g00sey; bindback"
alias namo3 "name TheG00seFather; bindback"
alias namo4 "name ^_^; bindback"
alias namo5 "name d-_-b; bindback"

alias bindback "clear; bind 1 slot1; bind 2 slot2; bind 3 slot3; bind 4 slot4; bind 5 slot5; bind 6 slot6; bind 7 slot7; bind 8 slot8; bind 9 slot9; bind 0 slot10"

alias 2rebinding2 "bind 1 namo1; bind 2 namo2; bind 3 namo3; bind 4 namo4; bind 5 namo5; bind 6 namo6; bind 7 namo7; bind 8 namo8; bind 9 namo9; bind 0 bindback"

Code Sample
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
bind "?" "nameswitch"

Where ? = whatever key you want it bound to.

you just quoted g00se. you n00b.

I'll edit this soon enough to give you my dumbed-down weapon buying script (I made it in the winter. cold hands are t3h stink.) or maybe I won't. but I'm gonna put useful scripts here.
Hear ye, hear ye ... Have you ever been in a situation where you're taking out, guy after guy with a colt, and you get to one of the last guys and you acidentally hit the silencer button and it makes you stop shooting and you die
... yea, well, I just happened to do that in a recent scrimmage  
Anyways ... I've created a little script that will get rid of that nasty little annoyance.  AND I CALL IT THE "NO SILENCER" SCRIPT!!! (music : dun, dun, dunnnnnn)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//---------- No Silencer -------------------
alias +nosilencer "bind mouse2 wait;developer 1;echo ***No Silencer Activated***;developer 0;alias silencertog -nosilencer"
alias -nosilencer "bind mouse2 +attack2;developer 1;echo ***Silencer Activated***;developer 0;alias silencertog +nosilencer"
alias silencertog "+nosilencer"[/QUOTE]

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bind "(key_here)" "silencertog"[/QUOTE]
I bound it to my MOUSE3 button, it's pretty cool ... I know a lot of you will get a good use out of this
Goose, could you hook us all up with a "clean score screenshot" script? Something that hides the player's arm from view, toggles net_graph off, displays the score, takes the screenshot, takes the screenshot, then turns everything back on?

That would rule. -_-
Tek, here is a screenshot of what my script does so far ... is there anything in this screenshot that you don't or do want to see?  Just reply here and tell me what you specifically don't want, or do want to see.  Thanks
Hrm. Is there a way to remove the HUD--the health, armor, money count, and so on? If not, then the script is perfect already.
Ok, I got it to cut out EVERYTHING but the background and the scores ... so ENJOY!!!

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias +cleanshot "hud_draw 0; w3; r_drawviewmodel 0; w3; net_graph 0; w3; +showscores; w3; snapshot; w3"
alias -cleanshot "-showscores; w3; hud_draw 1; w3; r_drawviewmodel 1; w3; net_graph 3"[/QUOTE]

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bind "(key)" "+cleanshot"[/QUOTE]
anyone know if there is a way to use the name toggler and have white space in the name, like the way we have our names?

cant use extra quatation marks hrmm

anyone anyone?
I actually save the name in a CFG file and put exec xxxx.cfg instead of name xxxx. Seems to work but i think goose may have a better way.
ok i got the lag correction script working, but i dont know how and when to use it.

i have the two commands bound that change the number of packets up/down.

when do i use them?  
Well, here's how I usually use them ... I frist set them to the highest number, which is 100 for each. Then I have my net_graph 3 up so I can see my loss and choke. When I join a server, and I play for alittle bit, and I notice any choke or loss, then I lower both of my 10 point, so they're down to 90 each. If I continue to get choke or loss, I continue to lower my rates by 10 until I get none. Btw, my rate is like 9999. And I don't know what's wrong with that name toggler page, but I'll try getting it working today.