Join us on the Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble server for voice chat with other Christian gamers. You'll need to download and install the Mumble client first.
Our Mumble server address is Our server uses the default port (64738).
Use MView to view real-time server information.
Use of the Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble Server is contingent on following the server rules.
Please contact Joshinator, Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble Server Operator, with any questions, concerns, or requests. Alternatively, you can post in this thread.
Our Mumble server address is Our server uses the default port (64738).
Use MView to view real-time server information.
Use of the Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble Server is contingent on following the server rules.
Please contact Joshinator, Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble Server Operator, with any questions, concerns, or requests. Alternatively, you can post in this thread.
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