Kromede's Trial - Lessons Learned


New Member
Kromede's Trial is the second of the single instanced dungeons that were added in 2.0. You can start it at 38 and go till 44. At 45 you can no longer run the dungeon.

There is already a nice write up on this dungeon so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Here is a link for you reading pleasure.'s+Trial

I have ran Kromede's Trial on 3 characters so far and I have a few observations.

1. Go for the armor! I ran both Zandaris and Valdimere for the key. Zan ran 20 times and did not get the key at all. Valdimere ran 17 times before finally getting the key. In that same time, Sidonia got a full set of blue armor and sold skins for about 5 million in profit. That's enough to buy a 35 gold weapon. She is now nearly at 10 mil and Vald whom I just recently started doing skins on is only at 3 mil.

2. Skip what you can. The whole first section down to Rotan can be skipped. Just run through the mobs and fly down the hill. After you knock down the wall with Rotan you can skip most of the next section by flying past the spiders.

3. Once you get Rotan use him at the beginning of every fight. He does pretty good damage and he has a snare effect which slows mobs down. This is great for casters.

4. Save your blinds, stuns and silences etc for Divine Hisen when you meet him. He has an area effect move that does significant damage but even worse has a very nasty DOT too. You will want to shut him down when he tries to cast it. Jeeves is very similar. He has a sleep that he will use followed by a fire blast that will do significant damage.

5. Do not kill key mobs till you are ready to go through the gates and once you do kill them get the key open the gate immediately. If you die with the key on you and leave the instance you will lose the key. If you kill the key holing mob, don't loot the key, die and come back they will be gone. In both cases you will have no way to progress through the rest of the dungeon.

6. Explosive beads are you friend. It does 2000 damage and stuns the enemy. This is great when you pull 2 or 3 and need some help getting them down quick. It is also on a pretty short cool down.

7. Last but not least one of the repeatable quests for this gives you 1 silver coin and a silver coin box where you get 1 - 3 more coins.

If you have any tips of your own, please feel free to add them.

When I do a run in hard mode for the key, I always kill just about everything except for the garden area. Takes me close to 2 hours.
I have gotten lots of good drops from the foes most run past with the increased drop rate.
I followed your advice and went for armor last night. Got three pieces, one of which I can use. What do I do with the other two blue pieces? How do I sell skins?
buy low lvl white armor for cheap and than you combine the items and than you cans sell them!
so I could buy some cheap plate armor suitable for Poeta and combine it with the plate drop from KT and it'll have similar attributes as the original? I liek dat!
nope only the stats of the armor you use
your are just selling the skins
the white armor will look like the cj armor but have stats of white armor
I noticed that. So far the skinned plate pauldrons haven't sold yet. I priced it at the lower end of the scale. The skinned cloth CJ leggings sold today, however. I had those priced much lower.
The CJ market appears to have ran dry. I sat Bonnie up with prices that should have sold her out in 10 mins before and 1 item sold. Some items are still selling well such as the cloth and leather helms. Chest pieces sell ok. The rest I would check vendor vs enchantment stone prices.

I guess the fad is over.
The skinned CJ plate pauldrons sold but it took a few days. I listed some skinned gloves yesterday and they sold right away. I think I may just try for the key next time I go in.