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Isaiah 35:4 said:
Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."

I felt that I should finally make a Ret guide. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. I’m stealing Piano’s format for simplicity. This is a PVE guide.
Ret offers some fantastic raid buffs but really you should be brought for your ability to CRUSH FACES!

Here's the list if you care...
3% crit to raid
3% damage to raid (melee and spell)
3% haste to raid
Attack Power debuff
100% JoW uptime
Replenishment to 10 raid members
Blessing of Kings / Imp Blessing of Might

There are a couple of builds you can go with for Ret and honestly once you have the core talents the rest are just flavor. These talents are MUST HAVE for PVE. Seal of Command is NOT optional. I highly recommend Imp Blessing of Might and Vindication but they are not necessary. I think you’ll find it hard to get anything else with as much bang for the buck though.


Beyond the core talents you can go with a build that picks up more Prot talents and get divine sacrifice for general AOE damage soak. You can also go with a heavier Holy build to pick up Aura Mastery. Both are strong in raid utility, or you can do like me and pick up neither.


Retribution Stat weights are similar to other physical DPS classes with the exception that Armor Pen is horrible for us.

Strength: is priority number one. We get 2 attack power per point of Strength and Strength is increased by talents and Blessing of Kings. Of course, you wouldn't sacrifice, say, 20 haste to pick up 3 Strength.

Hit Rating: You need to get capped. You need 9% total to get to cap. Ret has no hit talents so you will have to get it all from gear. If you are alliance, your raid will most likely have a Draenei of some sort (If you have a shaman you’re good), so make this number 8%.

Expertise: You need 26 expertise (6.50%) to be expertise capped, This is an important stat, but not as important as Hit or Str. You can get 10 expertise (NOT rating) from the Seal of Vengeance glyph, and I recommend you pick it up unless you have way too much expertise (not likely).

Crit Rating: We are quite reliant on critical strikes to do damage. You can never really have too much crit, but it’s not worth gemming for.

Haste: This is a good stat, if you get it great… don’t gem for it.

Agility: We need 52.08 agility to gain 1% melee crit (Does not affect Spell Crit). Crit rating is flat out better than Agility, however AGI does scale with raid buffs such as BoK where crit does not. Many times though an Agility piece of gear could be better because they tend to have large amounts of AP on them to boot.

Attack Power: This is a rather MEH stat, and plate doesn’t have it so the only time it’s seen is when you might drop down to leather if the piece is SIGNIFICANTLY better.

Armor Penetration: A very BAD stat for Ret. If a piece has Armor Pen in large amounts, you’re probably better off with what you have. Over 60% of our damage is holy, which ignores armor anyways. Don't completely ignore it though, if it's a choice between going way over the hit cap and getting some armor pen, the ArP is prob a lot better.

Stamina: is helpful in keeping you alive and You’ll usually get it for free. Never gem for it.

Download RAWR to get an accurate assessment of what items would be upgrades for you if you are unsure.


Meta Socket: Use the Relentless Earthsiege Diamond. You will actually gain more DPS by using this instead of the Crit rating one because you’ll need one less blue gem.
Red Sockets: This slot should always be filled with a Bold Cardinal Rubies.
Yellow Sockets: These slots should have Inscribed Ametrine IF it will let you meet a socket bonus of at least 6 Str. If not just slap more Bold Cardinal Rubies in there.
Blue Sockets: You should only match your blue socket ONCE. No more, no less. You need one blue gem for your meta. You should try to meet the best STR socket bonus you have that requires a blue. Use the Nightmare Tear (+10 to all stats) to fill this.
Head: Arcanum of Torment -
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Axe -
Chest: Powerful Stats is the best option. However, if you're working on a budget, Super Stats is a great alternative.
Legs: Icescale Leg Armor -
Boots: Icewalker if you need the hit and Greater Assault if you don’t. Engineers can use Nitro Boots, which provides more crit than Icewalker, as well as another movement cooldown, which is always a good thing.
Wrist: Greater Assault -
Hands: Crusher - should be used.
Ring: Enchanters should always put Stats.
Cloak: Use Greater Speed
Weapon: Berserking -
Major Glyphs:
Seal of Vengeance

As for Minors, pick up Sense Undead for sure.
The rest are ok… I personally pick up the Blessing of Might glyph so I can buff my class with Kings/Wisdom and myself with Might without having to buff myself more often.


Ret's rotation is actually more of a priority system. Make sure you are always hitting something, this is the single most important thing you can do. Also, Use Seal of Vengeance on single target fights that will last more than ~12 seconds and Seal of Command on Trash or short single target fights. The priority list is as follows, with highest on top.

Single target without 2pc Tier 10
Crusader Strike, Judgement, (Hammer of Wrath), Divine Storm, Consecrate, Exorcism

Single target WITH 2pc Tier 10
(The reason Divine Storm moves up to the front on priority is because it will randomly come off cooldown with 2pc tier 10, when it does HIT IT! Judgement also moves up in the priority because you'll be using a lot more mana by spamming Divine Storm and you'll need the extra JotW procs)
Divine Storm, Judgement, Crusader Strike, (HoW), Consecrate, Exorcism

Multi target
Divine Storm, Consecrate, (Holy Wrath), Judgement, Crusader Strike, (HoW), Exo

If you have the option use Grenades when there are no other buttons lit.

Any questions hit me up.
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>_> Why doesn't the Bible have any cool quotes about blowing up bad guys with mind lasers for me to use in my Arcane guide?!
>_> Why doesn't the Bible have any cool quotes about blowing up bad guys with mind lasers for me to use in my Arcane guide?!

How about this?

Isaiah 47:12 NIV said:
Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries, which you have labored at since childhood. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cause terror.
Originally Posted by Isaiah 47:12 NIV
Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries, which you have labored at since childhood. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cause terror.

Ummm....I don't think that is what PF is after...but a great laugher! The context is definitely missing, perhaps trampled on even!
Also lolrotation.

LOL, I know our rotation is more complicated than a mages, and I hit a LOT more buttons than you to do respectable AOE damage... :rolleyes: Plus melee have to move around all the time to make sure our auto attacks are hitting someone. :P

Love ya Flame, where you been?
LOL, I know our rotation is more complicated than a mages, and I hit a LOT more buttons than you to do respectable AOE damage... :rolleyes: Plus melee have to move around all the time to make sure our auto attacks are hitting someone. :P

Love ya Flame, where you been?

On Redletters a lot recently, but I'm on quite a bit - we must have alternate schedules...

Also, I have to remember to only press 2 after pressing 1 four times.