Pyromania (Fire Mage Guide)


New Member
Yep, it's that time. I'm gonna stop being lazy and finally share some of the entirely unnecessary amounts of experience and research I have invested in yet another mage spec.

To preface, I'm going to be marginally lazy and just copy/paste a lot of information from my Arcane guide that applies here. I'm also not going to include the gearing-up section, as Fire is quite horrendous at low gear levels. Remember, I could just be even lazier and simply link/refer you to the Arcane guide for this information, but I'll post it here, instead, saving you the trouble. However, there ARE differences throughout the guide, even though a lot of it may look the same. If you're seriously considering the switch to Fire, I do encourage you to actually read through this in earnest.

First thing's first: When do I switch to Fire? It's entirely true that you don't ever "need" to switch to Fire, as Arcane can and will do sufficient dps for every encounter in the game, including Heroic modes. However, after a certain point, the switch to Fire is a significant dmg and dps increase in both 10 and 25 man raids. So, the bare bones answer to the question is ~3k gear score. When you get up to this level of gear, the Diminishing Returns on Crit rating for Arcane, coupled with the homogenization of healing and dps gear in ICC (and some other crap) cause Arcane to stop scaling very well, and Fire really starts to take off. With all that said, let us begin!

Thankfully, for those of us who got annoyed with constantly changing our Arcane spec from week to week to suit whatever new gear we acquired, the Fire spec is pretty standard, straightforward, and unchanging. There are two generally acceptable Fire Raiding builds.
Single Target

These builds each have a point or two to move around, but not a lot. The Single Target build can switch a point from Magic Absorption to Clearcasting, or dump some points into Student of the Mind. The AE build can play around with where to sacrifice points in the Fire tree to pick up the AE abilities.

Improved Fireball: Fireball is your main nuke. Cast it faster, do more damage. Word? Word.
Ignite: Fire crits a lot. Each crit gives you a DoT. This will typically be your 2nd or 3rd highest dmg dealing component.
World in Flames: There was a recent change to the mechanics or Ignite that make this talent awesome. Basically, if you crit with a Pyroblast, and crit often enough thereafter, the Ignite DoT will continue to roll as the Pyroblast's ignite, rather than switch to a worse one. Thus, 6% increased crit chance on Pyroblast is a must.
Pyroblast: You're not a Fire Mage unless you have Pyroblast.
Burning Soul: Threat scaling is out of whack these days and Fire pumps out a lot of it. Unless you like dying, get both points of this.
Improved Scorch: 5% increased crit chance on a target is golden. More about this talent later.
Critical Mass: 6% free crit chance is good.
Playing with Fire: 3% increased dmg is good.
Fire Power: 10% increased dmg is better.
Molten Fury: 12% increased dmg when it matters most. This pans out to 3.4% increased dmg overall.
Pyromaniac: 3% more crit + more mana regen than you'll ever need.
Combustion: is crappy. Sorry, but it is. However, you do want at least one cooldown to push, right?
Empowered Fire: More dmg + more mana regen = More win.
Hot Streak: This is the whole reason you picked up any other talent that said anything whatsoever about Pyroblast.
Burnout: turns big kabooms into bigger kabooms.
Living Bomb: is all the AE you'll ever need. It's also amazing in terms of DPCT and DPM.

Arcane Focus: sucks but whatever.
Arcane Subtlety: sucks but whatever.
Magic Absorption: takes an immense amount of stress off your healers. Get at least one, if not both points here.
Clearcasting: is awesome. 4 or 5 here depending on how you feel about Magic Absorption
Focus Magic: is broken beyond all belief.
Spell Impact: 6% extra dmg to your main nuke.
Torment the Weak: is also broken beyond all belief.

Don't you dare look at this tree. Don't do it. I mean it!

Those are all of the absolutely necessary, must have talents. Not getting these makes you a liability to your raid.

Now for the flavor options of Fire...

Flame Throwing: This is very nice for Single Target Fire builds and helps immensely in setting up spacing for encounters such as Festergut, Saurfang, etc.
Master of Elements: This can result in a great deal of mana regen and helps to offset the increased cost of Burnout. Don't be mistaken into thinking it does so entirely, as base mana cost and actual mana cost are, believe it or not, not the same thing.
Blast Wave: This can be an interesting pick up for an AE build. You can use it for knockback, much like Moon Guys use Typhoon, or you can opt the use the minor glyph for it, making it just an AE nuke.
Dragon's Breath: Another interesting option for AE builds. It's a good AE nuke with a disorient effect that could potentially save your hide if you pull aggro.
Firestarter: If you chose to go AE and picked up Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath, this allows you to throw instant Flamestrikes, which you can downrank and stack, which is nifty for AE dmg, but totally useless on single targets (Yes, the math and testing have been done.)

Any talents I didn't mention are solely for PvP and/or useless in general.



The Arcane mage's stat needs are fairly straightforward, but are also slightly different weight-wise to other mage specs.

Hit Rating: You need to get capped. Until you are hit capped, all other stats should be an afterthought. You need 17% total to get to cap. Fire has no hit talents, so bummer there. If you are alliance, your raid will most likely have a Draenei of some sort standing around picking his nose and riding a Sea Turtle, so we can relatively safely make this number 16%. Moonkin and Shadow Priests can apply a debuff to enemies that increase chance to be hit by 3%. If you are absolutely, 100% sure that you will ALWAYS have one of these two around, you could go down to 13%, but I would strongly, I repeat, STRONGLY aim for a more self-sufficient 16%. Once you hit 16%, you can start focusing on your other stats.
Spellpower: is, was, and always will be priority number one. The bigger this number is, the better. Of course, you wouldn't sacrifice, say, 20 haste to pick up 3 spellpower, but the statement remains true that SP should always be your top priority. There is no cap on Spellpower. You can never have too much.
Haste: This is your second most beneficial dps stat as a Fire Mage up to a certain point. That point is ~800 haste. At 800 Haste, your GCD will be lowered to exactly 1 second, and you will be able to cast exactly 2 fireballs and 1 Instant Cast during your Pushing the Limit buff given by Hot Streak. Haste should always be taken over crit until then. I will go into this in more detail in the "Gems" section.
Crit Rating: Crit is not a big priority Fire until you get close to that 800 Haste mark. You get a ridiculous amount of crit chance from talents, Molten Armour, and T10 gear. These will cushion you until you hit 800 Haste.
Stamina: is more important (in my opinion) than Spirit in ICC content. Spirit gives you a tiny bit of regen (depending on talents, of course) and a tiny bit of Crit chance. Stamina makes you less likely to die. Not dying is better than spirit.
Spirit: This is a joker stat for mages. It contributes relatively nothing. All the spirit you will need will come on your gear whether you like it or not. Never go out of your way for more spirit.
Intellect: is officially "psh, whatever" for Fire. Yup, it's not really very important. You'll get more than you need from gear without searching for it.
Strength, Agility, Armor Penetration, Expertise: are not mage stats and should not be on your gear.


Thank your lucky stars that Mage gemming is quite possibly the easiest and most straight-forward part of playing your class. Be glad you're not a rogue trying to access a spreadsheet every time you get a new piece of gear to calculate whether you need Aremor Pen or Attack Power.

Factual Statement: Every gem you put into you gear (Meta excluded) should have spellpower, and thus, the color red, on it in some form. You should never use Blue, Green, or Yellow gems.

Meta Socket: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond is what you want. The multiplicative institution of the secondary effect of this gem is too good to pass up for any other Meta. Make absolutely sure that you have 2 Purple gems somewhere on your gear.
Red Sockets: This slot should always be filled with a Runed Cardinal Ruby. Always.
Yellow Sockets: These slots should have Reckless Ametrines in them if the piece you are socketing has 2 or more sockets until you hit 800 Haste. Thereafter, start throwing in Potent Ametrine If it has only one socket, the choice is yours. Typical one-socket pieces have a bonus of 5 SP. Therefore, matching the color would give you 17 Spellpower and 10 Haste/Crit vs. 23 Spellpower.
Blue Sockets: You should only match your blue socket twice. No more, no less. You need two blue gems for your meta, and any more will only drag you down, rather than lift you up. You have two legitimate options for blue sockets: Purified Dreadstone and Glowing Dreadstone. I personally prefer the Glowing over the Purified, as I place heavier weight on Stamina than Spirit. However, the key is to only use 2 and only match on pieces with at least two slots.
So, in conclusion: IF your piece has at least 2 sockets and one of them is blue, use one of the above-listed gems, up to a maximum of 2 Purple gems. Never have more than 2. If you have 2 purple gems already, ALL blue sockets should be filled out with Red gems. If the piece has a yellow and blue socket, and you already have both purples on other gear, you should put Red gems in BOTH slots, as the Reckless gem is only beneficial when the socket bonus is unlocked. *Remember: If you are ever unsure of which gem to get, feel free to ask me and I will help you decide.*

Mage Enchants are fairly standard, but do have some deviation, or "flavor" that is worth taking into consideration.
Let me state, now, that I will not be discussing Engineering "nuke" enchants. The rocket-launchers, however fun they may be, are not for serious raiding. They scale horribly and are powerfully overshadowed by other, much better options.

Head: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries. Period.
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Storm. Period.
Chest: Powerful Stats is the best option. MP5 enchants are weak and should be avoided. However, if you're working on a budget, Super Stats is a great alternative.
Legs: Sapphire Spellthread or Brilliant Spellthread are your options. The choice depends on your preference between Spirit and Stamina. I opt for the Stamina.
Shoes: Here is where it gets tricky. There are two commonly used, viable non-Engineering options: Icewalker and Tuskarr's Vitality. Icewalker is, perhaps, the "safer" option. To use Manly's data, which is reliable, Tuskarr's Vitality will be a dps increase over Icewalker if your character must be moving more than 2 seconds per minute. So, on a fight like, say, Deathbringer Saurfang, it would be useless. However, against a boss like Rotface or Putricide, it is actually a significant upgrade. The extra stamina doesn't hurt anything, either. If you're awesome enough to have two pairs of identical shoes, one with each enchant, loan me some gold. But then, it would totally be sensible to carry them both and switch according to encounter. Now, for Engineers, you have the option of using Nitro Boots, which provides more crit than Icewalker, as well as another movement cooldown, which is always a good thing.
Wrist: Superior Spellpower.
Hands: Exceptional Spellpower should be used. Engineering has an on-use haste enchant as well.
Ring: Enchanters should always put Superior Spellpower on their own rings
Cloak: Tailors should use Lightweave Embroidery. Others should use Greater Speed.
Weapon: Fire mages should use Mighty Spellpower, unless using a staff, in which case Greater Spellpower is what you want.

The Major Glyphs are set, and no other combination is viable.
Living Bomb
Molten Armour

As for Minors, just pick whatever. They all suck.

Fire's rotation is actually more of a preference system. The learning curve is very easy, once you have some practice watching your buffs and debuffs. The list is as follows, with highest priority on top.

Hot Streak-Pyroblast
Living Bomb
Scorch Maintenance*

Yep, that's it. All there is to it. Basically, keep Living Bomb up on the target, keep Scorch on the target, use Pyroblast when you have Hot Streak, and spam Fireball otherwise.

*If your raid has a Demonology or Affliction Warlock in the raid, you will not need to maintain the Scorch debuff. These friends come with Improved Shadowbolt, which applies the exact same debuff as part of their regular rotation.

Macros save lives. Rather, they save space on your UI. Here are a few helpful ones.

Combustion and Friends: This macro simply synchronizes all your dps cooldowns into one, easy to click button. Thankfully, since you no longer have Icy Veins, you don't have to worry about over-hasting with Heroism or Potion of Speed and can simply mash this puppy everytime the Cooldown is up.

/cast Combustion
/use Potion of Speed
/use 13
/cast Mirror Image

You MUST make Mirror Image the last thing in your macro, as it starts a GCD and anything afterwards will not cast on your initial click. If you use this at the beginning of a fight, make absolutely, 100% sure that your mirror images pop before you lay into the boss. Your Mirror Images cancel all of your aggro and disperse it amongst themselves. If you fire away on the boss right off the bat without your Images up, you will pull aggro and die. Period. No tank can hold Combustion + Trinket threat alone. NOTE: /use 13 is a popular way to set up the macro as long as you always keep your on-use trinkets in that slot. You can simply shift-click your current trinket into the macro, if you prefer.

Ice Block: This is a nifty trick that will prevent you from accidentally dispelling raid buffs while trying to get out of Ice Block. It also allows you to remove any and all debuffs on yourself quickly and easily, and it particularly useful in PvP and when fighting Festergut. With this macro, you just click it to use Ice Block and click it again to remove it. NOTE: This is not good if you're a button masher. Be careful to only hit it once to activate and wait until you're truly ready to remove the buff before you click it again.

#showtooltip Ice Block
/cancelaura Ice Block
/cast Ice Block

Postlude: Btw, none of the formatting or links transferred when I copy/pasted, so I actually had to re-do all that on my own, so...yeah, let me know if there is a buggy link, something linked to the wrong thing, or some sort of ugly formatting error. Let me know if there's anything more you would like included in this guide or if you think I'm stupid, maging wrong, etc.
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I am joking about the frost guide. But if I wasn't, it would be for raiding. Deep freeze crits are too enticing to give up. Saw a frost mage pulling 10k dps on Saurfang with huge 30k deep freeze crits. I know it is not as much DPS as the other specs but 30k damage with one ability!
It actually wouldn't take long to make one for Frost. It's mind-numbingly straightforward. Get lots of spellpower, get lots of haste, hit Deep Freeze and FFB every chance you get.

One helpful hint is to macro your pet ability into your main spells.

/cast Frostbolt()
/use Waterbolt

Believe it or not, mages who used that macro found that their Squirtle did about 15% more damage than when they didn't use it. No clue why it actually works, but it does.
As for Minors, just pick whatever. They all suck.

Have you even seen Glyph of the Penguin?

Also - back when I actually played my mage, locks were not specing into Improved Shadow Bolt. Has this changed?
I use for Gnimish's Fire Spec, I actually prefer it over any of the other Fire specs. The reason I pick up Student of the mind is simple.. The molten armor glyph plus this talent can effectively increase your crit rate significantly especially once you are hit-capped. Considering the way gear is in ICC, strictly speaking not the T10 gear(boots, belt, rings, bracers, cloak) you can focus more on haste specific gear which for whatever reason Blizz did this, you find spirit/haste on gear, and crit/hit on gear.
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I use for Gnimish's Fire Spec, I actually prefer it over any of the other Fire specs. The reason I pick up Student of the mind is simple.. The molten armor glyph plus this talent can effectively increase your crit rate significantly especially once you are hit-capped. Considering the way gear is in ICC, strictly speaking not the T10 gear(boots, belt, rings, bracers, cloak) you can focus more on haste specific gear which for whatever reason Blizz did this, you find spirit/haste on gear, and crit/hit on gear.

You should be focusing on haste gear regardless of which specific spec you use and what your crit chance is. Haste is simply worth way more weight than crit until you have lots and lots of it.

EDIT: I spent some time checking logs and logreplays from top Euro guilds doing LK attempts and found that a sparse few fire mages from these guilds use 1 point in SoM, but I didn't find any that I can remember with all three. Most had 0-1 point.
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That's what I was referring too, the bonus from SoM allows u to focus on putting more haste in your gear setup. I.e....I'd take a haste/spirit upgrade piece over a crit/hit piece any day. Straight buffed any Fire mage doing ICC content will easily have 40% plus crit, and even more w/ talents, target debuffs essence I wouldn't pick up any gear with crit on it.

In actuality I used 18/53 spec for a long time but I recently decided to do 20/51 b/c I figured a little extra crit is a good thing.
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All the macros above have been very useful. I just made one change to the combustion one to use icy veins instead.
Sandric are you PvE'ing frost or PvP?

Here's a macro I use for PvP
#showcount Frostbolt
/use 13
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Frostbolt
PVE frost for now. The proc mechanic is a nice change over the very rigid rotations of my rogue, retadin and shadow priest.
That's what I was referring too, the bonus from SoM allows u to focus on putting more haste in your gear setup. I.e....I'd take a haste/spirit upgrade piece over a crit/hit piece any day. Straight buffed any Fire mage doing ICC content will easily have 40% plus crit, and even more w/ talents, target debuffs essence I wouldn't pick up any gear with crit on it.

In actuality I used 18/53 spec for a long time but I recently decided to do 20/51 b/c I figured a little extra crit is a good thing.

Yeah. That's round-aboutedly addressed in the guide, but not very clearly. I tend to think a lot of things and not get them on the page. Once you get into higher gear, crit will become more important than haste, but only once you have lots (800) of haste. Crit rating is always > spirit, mathematically. Haste/crit gear is extra super optimal, but not a whole lot of it exists, unfortunately.
Fire Mage Build

After reading this thread I decided to try the fire build. I have been arcane for as long as I can remember. When ICC first came out and with T-10 gear and some heroic gear here and there my burst dps was around 14k and then would settle down to about 10k steady. I have not been able to get it higher. So the last few days I have been building a fire spec and here is what i'm finding and have questions on; the dps is only good in a fight where you have at least 20 seconds or so to get it rolling (i.e. heroic dungeons i'm just spamming fireball becasue they die so quick now that everyone is so geared). When going thru trash in ICC in a 18/53 spec how do I keep my dps presentable? Pick a target and blast away or is there a simple aoe rotation that is worth the time? Watching dot timers is going to take some getting use to! Before i'm fully fire spec, obviously I will have to re-gem. I typically use Rawr for this and it is inline with what i'm reading here. My haste is 900+, but will drop a bit when I re-gem, probably around 870 or so.

I missed several months of rading due to RL, so i'm trying to get back into the harder raiding groups of the guild I belong to and am trying to make an impression this week. My hit is capped (as always) and I know i'm not going to get more than overall 10-11k dps with my current gear. Any thoughts? With my current gear can I get more dps from fire? According to Rawr I can, but I will have to re-learn my toon, and i'm very good with him now. :confused:
I just switched to fire and began playing my mage recently. I copied Shagz's build :P and have been messing around with it. Only in heroics though...and in the ones where I'm the most geared (which is sad) I pump out a decent amount of DPS (constant 3-4k overall...4-5k on bosses). I'm not hit capped and I'm wearing some blues and a lot of 200 stuff. My rotation is always Fire bomb, scortch, fireblast and if i get a crit, insta pyro, then fireball, scortch (because bomb is almost up and i dont want to miss having put it up a little later because i cast fireball again), bomb, fireball, fireball...etc. (Assuming you insta pyro EVERY single time you get the proc...those 10k-12k insta crits I'll take any day)

At least this is how I've come to get the most dps...that is single target. I do scortch depending on the debuf it gives to the mob (to refresh it or put it on there first) and fireblast whenever it's up because it's a quick insta spell that can go along with the fireball i just did, giving me two crits and my insta pyro. Hope that makes sense :P Also, when starting a boss fight i typically hit them with bomb, put our flame buff up to increase crit by 50% I think? and be applied to our next four crits? can't remember right now exactly lol...but bomb, then the buff, pop out my mirror image, scortch and fireblast hoping they crit, insta pyro, fireball, bomb, fireball, (if blast is up hit it), fireball....etc.

As for AoE I just bomb em all, er the fire aoe move i cant think of that hits them initially and leaves the DoT on the ground, and then blizzard (again this is heroics...hit 9k in PoS on an aoe pull last night). If I were in ICC, there are so many mobs right off the bat I'd probably tab through em all putting up my bomb then by the time i get around to the first mob i DoT'd I'd reaply the bomb as it went off on each til they were dead (if the bomb isnt off the first mob by the time I've dot'd them all I would do the fire AoE).
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After reading this thread I decided to try the fire build. I have been arcane for as long as I can remember. When ICC first came out and with T-10 gear and some heroic gear here and there my burst dps was around 14k and then would settle down to about 10k steady. I have not been able to get it higher. So the last few days I have been building a fire spec and here is what i'm finding and have questions on; the dps is only good in a fight where you have at least 20 seconds or so to get it rolling (i.e. heroic dungeons i'm just spamming fireball becasue they die so quick now that everyone is so geared). When going thru trash in ICC in a 18/53 spec how do I keep my dps presentable? Pick a target and blast away or is there a simple aoe rotation that is worth the time? Watching dot timers is going to take some getting use to! Before i'm fully fire spec, obviously I will have to re-gem. I typically use Rawr for this and it is inline with what i'm reading here. My haste is 900+, but will drop a bit when I re-gem, probably around 870 or so.

I missed several months of rading due to RL, so i'm trying to get back into the harder raiding groups of the guild I belong to and am trying to make an impression this week. My hit is capped (as always) and I know i'm not going to get more than overall 10-11k dps with my current gear. Any thoughts? With my current gear can I get more dps from fire? According to Rawr I can, but I will have to re-learn my toon, and i'm very good with him now. :confused:

My aoe 'rotation' was always Living Bomb as much as I can as quick as I can (don't spend several seconds trying to target the last one mob out of ten that you didn't dot), cast Blizzard until the bombs explode and the instant cast pyros start rolling in, then just fire those off and re-dot. But I haven't raided with my mage this expansion, so I could be wrong. It makes my dps look a lot better than it really is though.

It would look a little something like this:

Target mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Cast Blizzard
*Bombs start exploding*
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
(Repeat as needed)
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My aoe 'rotation' was always Living Bomb as much as I can as quick as I can (don't spend several seconds trying to target the last one mob out of ten that you didn't dot), cast Blizzard until the bombs explode and the instant cast pyros start rolling in, then just fire those off and re-dot. But I haven't raided with my mage this expansion, so I could be wrong. It makes my dps look a lot better than it really is though.

It would look a little something like this:

Target mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Target next mob, cast Living Bomb
Cast Blizzard
*Bombs start exploding*
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
Instant Pyroblast
(Repeat as needed)

this actually only works if the raid aoe is weak enough that they allow the bombs to explode. You'll have to cast less Living Bombs with a stronger aoe group becuase it's likely that those targets may die before the bomb explodes which nets dps loss.
this actually only works if the raid aoe is weak enough that they allow the bombs to explode. You'll have to cast less Living Bombs with a stronger aoe group becuase it's likely that those targets may die before the bomb explodes which nets dps loss.

True. For mob pulls that may last about 10-12 seconds (most Heroics), I'll use maybe 2 LB, then FLAMESTRIKE, and whatever else I feel I have time for a full cast of. Most of the time it may only be Scorch with insta Pyros going off.