Tithing to the guild


This is utterly unofficial, but I thought I'd throw it out there to inform the fellow guildies even if nobody else thinks tithing is a good idea.

We get a lot of gold in WAR. At first, you start saving for that lvl 20 mount, but when I hit 20 with 50+ gold, I knew it wasn't a big deal. In fact, I can't imagine why anybody would buy gold, because it's so plentiful! At a few silver a kill, even RVR brings in a whole lot.

Is the game just unbalanced? Well not really. I don't have much information on T4 developments, but some of the end-game stuff is going to be expensive. For example, if we take a keep, it costs 10g per HOUR in upkeep -- hold it long enough and it starts getting upgraded periodically.

That's a lot of gold, and if you're not using it, we might as well start saving now in the guild vault! Our guild is one of the large ones that might have the player base to actually take and hold a keep (maybe not, but it'll be fun to try!)

Anyway, giving money to the guild is easy. First off, you can go to the guild vault, and just deposit some. Guildies can't take it out (only officers) so it'll be safe for guild use. Even simpler is tithing. We currently have only 5% taxes, but you can give a percentage in tithes too. Just go to the guild info screen (type G) and go to the "rewards" tab. A bit down the list (on the left side) "tithes" will be yellow. click on it and you can set your own tithe rate. Now every time you get loot, a bit more will be donated to the guild.

I currently tithe at 5% (for 10% total donation) but I'll be upping it to 20% next time I'm on. I'm not super-generous or anything, I just have over 120g and have no use for gold right now.

If we all tithe more than 0%, taxes can stay low and those who need more gold for something specific will be able to accumulate it faster. At the same time, if you have more gold than you need, you can donate to further the guild, and/or increase your tithe.

Redeemed is already a force to be reckoned with. If we up our tithe now, we can ensure our success if we DO take a keep an need to pay the 240g daily upkeep (assuming we can hold it that long, but it'd suck to lose the keep due to lack of funds!)
Dude you are right on with this post. I had been meaning to start tithing as well and just completely forgot. Next time I am on I will set up a 15% as well to bring to 20%. At guild rank 14 which we just hit, we can now officially claim keeps, and next level we get guild cloaks! RED is rocking R.E.M !!!

I am also not saying anyone NEEDs to do this, but I will certainly set an example and join in to help fund future endeavors for the sake of the guild!
Yes, I believe that is the key. Looks like we will all need to contribute more. There is a good reason that Mythic has it set up to even be capable of tithing. They would not have intergrated it into they game so well if it was not needed.

Great job in bring this to all of our attention. You did a very good job in presenting it. I too actually went to change mine one day and got distracted and never went back to it. So this is my kick to get me back there.

Our guild is what we all make it. So let's make it shine above all others in more ways than one.
Yeah, this is a great feature, and something I set as soon as I get a character into a guild. It may not seem like much per kill, but with every guild member tithing it'll add up.
/guildtithe 45% (I'm sure it'll drop in the future, but I'm swimming in gold at the moment)

I should note that some members have gone to the guild rewards tab and found the tithe option greyed out. I assume Icthus' /guildtithe will work too, but if not, just know that it's a bug and keep trying (perhaps try again after relogging) and eventually it'll work.
One of the big expenses for the guild is claiming a keep. There is a daily cost involved. I'm not sure what it is, but I hear it is "significant."