Total lunar eclipse, February 20, 2008!


New Member
Total eclipse tonight. If you've never seen one, make plans right now to see at least part of it! NASA has a Javascript app that will give you all the info you need. If you're in the Eastern time zone, it starts around 8 pm, and totality is 10:01 to 10:51 pm...

And on the subject of eclipses...did you know that our moon and the Earth are in a perfect relationship, both in size and in relative positions, to have lunar eclipses as well as total solar eclipses? It's true. God's cool like that.

Is it bad that I've been looking forward to it for weeks? Now I just have to hope the clouds clear out...

Just in case you guys didn't know what an eclipse looked like.

Just in case you guys didn't know what an eclipse looked like.

I did not know it had the word across it thanks :D. I mean I knew about the partially written "Chairface" but that was all .

it's my birthday on the day of the lunar eclipse? O_o

Sooooo you can tell me, man to gerbil... are you the harbinger of the apocalypse? :p

Oh happy birthday harbinger because even bringers of death and destruction need love too! Have fun destroying humanity :D
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We have plans to video tape it, this marvelous wonder. :rolleyes:

We should have a good view since we live up in the mountains. ;)
We had snow clouds tonight. meh. :(
We had clouds, too, but they had some clear spots so we could catch "updates." AND they cleared out for almost all of totality! Yay!

It was gorgeous: a deep rust red during mid-totality.

And we have the perfect telescope for viewing the moon, so during totalities we got the best look ever at the surface features! There's so much detail that gets washed out by the brightness of the moon under normal viewing conditions!