30 Minute Review: Super Mario Galaxy


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I didn't like Super Mario 64. I know I'm probably the only person on planet Earth who didn't. I didn't like it on the Nintendo 64 and I didn't like it on the Nintendo DS. So when people started comparing Super Mario Galaxy to Super Mario 64, I was worried.

Then a friend told me that the game rocked. I trust that friend when it comes to games, especially since his time for gaming is limited.

Toys R Us was running a special where anyone who purchased Super Mario Galaxy in the store got a $25 gift card. After driving nearly all the way to a local Toys R Us only to call and find the store had already sold their last copy, my wife's parents (God bless them) picked up Super Mario Galaxy and the $25 gift card for me.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time reviewing this game, because I think a score of 97 on MetaCritic speaks with greater authority than I could.

That being said, I'll tack on my own opinion:

This game is fantastic. It makes creative use of the Wii controls while not overdoing it. It looks, feels, and plays like a Mario game. It moves the platform genre forward and proves the Wii is not to be dismissed as a fad.

The game is immediately accessible to a wide audience and the 2-player co-op mode is more fun than it sounds. (I know--I tried it out with my brother-in-law.)

I still don't like Super Mario 64, but I love Super Mario Galaxy. Judging from the progress I've made so far and the progress I think I have left to make, the length of the game definitely makes this game worth $50.

I don't know if I'll be replaying Super Mario Galaxy 16 years from now (mad <3 for Super Mario World), but I'm definitely going to take my time, play through every level, look for every secret, and enjoy every moment.

Most importantly, Super Mario Galaxy is fun. And isn't that what games are all about?
I liked SM64 and I played SMG at my local Wal-Mart and I will have to say it was very very very awesome and fun, other than the 360 degree environment takes a bit of getting used to. I definitely suggest this game...
?30 Minute Review of Super Mario Galaxy? Or 30 Seconds? :)

It moves the platform genre forward and proves the Wii is not to be dismissed as a fad.

Yes, but I unfortunately I have to admit that this does nothing to dispel the perception that the Wii still has amazing 1st party games but terrible support from third party developers. :/

(PS - define "second party" developer. :confused:)

EDIT - Sorry, you mean "Here's a review after playing the game for 30 minutes", not "Here's a review that will take you 30 mins to read". (smacks forehead) :P
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