pie, cuz i can, Guide to Lemon pie


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
Ok so heres my guide to uber pie:

1 package of lemon filling

1 pint of HEAVY whipping cream


1 pint of milk minimum to just have on hand

2 tablespoons (the larger looking spoons) of sugar

Make sure you get the stuff i mention because it makes life easier:

Step 1. Follow the instructions on the pie crust and cover your container (i suggest a glass 8-9oz pie pan/dish) bottom.

Step 2. Follow the instructions for the lemon “Filling” . make sure you follow those instructions because its different than the lemon pudding ones. When it asks you to put in some whipping cream, use exactly 1/2 of the pint of whipping cream u bought.

Step 3. Pour the lemon filling into the pie dish and let refridgerate.

Step 4. Ok for the last one make sure your fridge is good our else the whipped cream ur gonna make is going melt.

A) put your metal mixing bowl in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
B) Pour the rest of the whipping cream into the metal mixing bowl
C) put the sugar in the bowl
D) Use electric mixer or electric hand mixer and whip it until desired texture. if your doing this by hand i would suggest putting small ice cubes in every 5min to keep it cold and trying to freeze it ya know?
E) Put into the freezer for 30min to solidify then move into the COLDEST place in your refridgerator

Serve whenever

hope you enjoy that :D

you can find this and future recipes on http://life.l337-coffee.com/
haha dude i hear u. i can only really cook on the weekends when i have time but man i was sooo amazed at how good it turned out.
Sounds good, i like my mom's Berry pie though, she uses ROUGH dough and fresh berry's, then she boils the berry's and cooks it to perfection...Mmmmmm tasty.
Sounds good, i like my mom's Berry pie though, she uses ROUGH dough and fresh berry's, then she boils the berry's and cooks it to perfection...Mmmmmm tasty.

yes but ur mom also has waaay more time and money than i currently do :D . so yeah check the blog weekly cuz i'll be cooking pretty much every sat and sun and i'll post whatever i deem edible and tasty :D
sorry... if you make pie in my house... you make EVERYTHING... the only pre-made things we can buy... is fruit... and... sugar.... the rest we have to buy the base ingredients. we even make our own whipping cream.... which is actually good.... but yeah....

hmmmm..... pie.....

i should make some pie...
sorry... if you make pie in my house... you make EVERYTHING... the only pre-made things we can buy... is fruit... and... sugar.... the rest we have to buy the base ingredients. we even make our own whipping cream.... which is actually good.... but yeah....

hmmmm..... pie.....

i should make some pie...
Yep my mom makes her own Whipcream, and our friends hand picked the berrys:D
That does sound good, though if I had my own place and not living in the dorms I would so totally do that, but alas, I cannot and thusly will have to post pone my making it until I acquire not only said ingrediants but said hardware to do it with as well. Then again, I will be going home for Christmas so I can see about doing it then and there but we shal see.
Yep my mom makes her own Whipcream, and our friends hand picked the berrys:D

buying everything pre-made is really convienient... yet it just tastes better if the berries are fresh from the bush... and whip cream is home made... etc. etc. maybe not for everyone... just me *cough* thanks to my AMAZING mother who blesses me with her amazing cooking ability... well... i should say "mothers" because Atown's mom use to fead me as much as my real mom did... yet both moms have a different style of cooking... i guess it is just nice to have a different style every once in a while... yet i still love my moms pie better... *cough* (man... that was a long cough... haha.
dude u know thats blasphemy about my house lol. i made my own whipped cream but everything else was pre-made, i dont really have alot of time so yhea.