Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
Since most people with huge forum signatures didn't get the hint when I posted the rough draft of my Forum Etiquette Guide, I'm introducing new rules for forum signatures. The following is a modification of AnimeSuki Forums Rule #3.1:
In order to keep The Forum fast for those who wish to see signatures we feel it is necessary to impose limits. Various combinations of images and text are permitted in signatures; these are summarized below:
- Text Only: Text only signatures may have a maximum of six (6) lines of text (including blank lines), assuming the default font size or smaller. Larger font sizes means that fewer lines are allowed.
- Images Only: 50,000 bytes or less: Maximum of 600 pixels wide x 160 pixels tall
- Image and Text: Signatures with both text and images may have a maximum of four (4) lines of text, assuming the default font size or smaller. Larger font sizes are not permitted. 50,000 bytes or less: Maximum of 600 pixels wide x 120 pixels tall. If multiple images are used, then the limits apply to all images combined.
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