New forum signature rules

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Since most people with huge forum signatures didn't get the hint when I posted the rough draft of my Forum Etiquette Guide, I'm introducing new rules for forum signatures. The following is a modification of AnimeSuki Forums Rule #3.1:
In order to keep The Forum fast for those who wish to see signatures we feel it is necessary to impose limits. Various combinations of images and text are permitted in signatures; these are summarized below:

  • Text Only: Text only signatures may have a maximum of six (6) lines of text (including blank lines), assuming the default font size or smaller. Larger font sizes means that fewer lines are allowed.
  • Images Only: 50,000 bytes or less: Maximum of 600 pixels wide x 160 pixels tall
  • Image and Text: Signatures with both text and images may have a maximum of four (4) lines of text, assuming the default font size or smaller. Larger font sizes are not permitted. 50,000 bytes or less: Maximum of 600 pixels wide x 120 pixels tall. If multiple images are used, then the limits apply to all images combined.
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Is mine considered to be okay? My signature is under the file size limit, images are rougly 120 pixels tall (including the line break), and I have two lines of text. However, it does appear larger than it could due to the new lines. =/
does this have anything to do when i posted my super huge AOE sig?
Heh, I recently have selected the 'Hide signatures' option in my User CP. :) I don't really care how many hours or points people have when playing battlefield, etc. Mostly just because there were multiple pictures and lots of things in different peoples signatures, and it was taking up more space then the actual posts.
SirThom said:
Is mine considered to be okay?
Tek7 said:
If multiple images are used, then the limits apply to all images combined.
Several users still have images that, combined, add up to more than 160 pixels high. Since we have several forum members who use both BF2 trackers and Xfire trackers, I'll probably tweak this rule a bit. Stand by. The rule will probably see a few more revisions in the coming week.

EDIT: SirThom: Your signature fits the rules (but just barely, since blank lines count, according to the new rule), but it would take up a bit less space if you took out the spaces. It's just a suggestion, though--not an order.

Atown said:
does this have anything to do when i posted my super huge AOE sig?
It isn't related to any one person. Several users had signatures that made browsing the forums cumbersome and, after reading the AnimeSuki forum rules, I decided it was time I put my foot down and introduce a new rule.

Pilgrim said:
Heh, I recently have selected the 'Hide signatures' option in my User CP.
Aye, I had done the same.
Mostly just because there were multiple pictures and lots of things in different peoples signatures, and it was taking up more space then the actual posts.
Exactly. That's the reason I've set this new rule. That, and to help ease the burden on members with lower-end technology (dial-up, smaller monitors, older video cards).

michaelpi said:
you just hate bf2 dont you!
No, I don't hate BF2. :p I don't have anything against Xfire either; I added a Xfire tracker to my own signature. This was a matter of making it easier to read the forums without forcing members to disable signatures altogether.

[]phantom said:
How about mine? Is it fine?
Your sig is fine, Phantom.
The current signature character limit is at 500, is it possible to maybe cut that down? But then that includes the URL's inbedded in words also.
hescominsoon said:
hiding your sig behind the spoiler tage doe snot get around the rules..:)
I don't believe that's what he was saying...

I agree, however that the limit should be variable unless it can be rigged to ignore characters that are part of links. The links behind the text take up no more characters than the text without links.
Heh, nothing to do with spoiler, i did that after my post here. I mean to restrict the size of sigs within the boundries, maybe limit the number of max characters to maybe 250, which would allow much less graphics sigs and words to be shown, but in turn doing that it will limit the ammount of URL's that you can have.

I.e. is 22 characters but this My site 7 characters yet has a 22 character URL in it. That still counts as the 500 character limit even though its hidden behind the words.
Heh. I don't have Xfire or play BF2 (which, btw, I've heard is t3h r0x0rs but I'm sure it couldn't hold a frag grenade against Guild Wars :D :D ) so I reckon mine is fine
Truth be told, this is the only forum I can remember where everyone has big signatures. I didn't really notice how big mine was, Adblock was blocking my Firefox ad and it didn't appear as big as I had thought.
Several forum members have yet to revise their signatures to meet the new rule. In a few days, private messages will be sent to those who need to trim their signature to fit the specifications. If the user does not revise his or her signature within a few days of receiving the PM, his or her signature will be modified manually.
Remember that there is also a way to hide the signatures altogether in the options menu. For our 56k friends I would suggest that they turn off signatures, avatars, and anything else they can.

I haven't had a chance to go through the forums and find users whose forum signatures violate the new rule (and probably won't until after January 1), but I would like all forum members to check this post and make sure that their signature meets the new standards.
it would have been nice had someone sent a pm and let me change my sig instead of mass slaying the 20 minutes or so i put into setting it up...