Hey guys, if you would like to play more with other Tribe of Judah Battlefield 2 players then please join us on the Team Speak server.
1. What is Teamspeak?
Teamspeak is an application that allows you to have voice conversaitons over the internet. It consists of both a client that goes onto the user's PC and a server application. The server and the clients both work under linux and windows.
2. What kind of system do i need to run Teamspeak?
If you can run windows 98 or higher you can run Teamspeak. Suggested Hardware is at least a 500 MHZ cpu, 128 megs of ram, about 8 megs of hard drive space, a sound card, and a microphone(headset highly reccomended).
3. How do i get teamspeak?
You can get teamspeak from http://www.goteamspeak.com. Just download the windows client or the linux client. After you download the client in windows jsut double-click the file and install it. Make sure you have your microphone or headset hooked up before you install teamspeak for the first time.
4. Ok i have the client installed, how do i connect to your server?
Click connection then connect
Click on local addressbook
Right-click in the big blank white area on the left side..then click add server
Type in the name of the server in the box that appears (it can be whatever you want to call it) when you are done typing press enter
In the server address put ts.compmil.com
In the nickname field put whatever you want to be known as on the server
CHECK allow server to assign nicknmes (this is in case sombody already has your nick and is online)
Put the dot next to anonymous
Put a checkmark next to auto-reconnect..if you loose your connection your client will automatically try to reconnect.
Click connect
You should connect to the server and arrive in the lobby.
The next step is registration...it is required.
After you log on as an anonymous user:
Click self.
Click register with server you will be prompted for a username and your password. You must type the password twice.
*Remember how you typed your username and password as they are case sensitive..so if you make your username/password IamVeryStrange then when you go to enter it it MUST be exactly as typed.
After you have registered click connection then click disconnect
It is now time to log on with your shiny new custom nick, username and password:
Click connection then connect
Click on local addressbook
Click on whatever you named the TOJ server ONE TIME to highlight it.
Look at the server information on the right..here is where we make changes:
First, The Label field stays the same
Second, Nickname can stay the same
Third, UNCHECK allow server to assign nicknames
Fourth, Put the dot next to registered under login name type the username you registered with previously (see *)
Next, Enter the password you previously registered with (see *)
Click connect. You should wind up in the lobby. If you don not connect look at the error in the text area..teamspeak will usually tell you the problem.
If you get an internal error that means you have something set that conflicts. Go through the checklist here again and double-check your settings.
If you continue to have issues..contact either teamspeak@cgalliance.org or hop on as an unregistered user and look for a server admin (they will have SA by their name) or a channel admin (they will have a CA by their name) or just ask around. If you see Hescominsoon on the server feel free to ask me as well..
5. How do i get help i am having a problem?
If you are having a problem with somebody having an offensive name, using foul language, or typing offensive text, here is how to get help. First always try to find somebody with a (CA) next to their name in the channel you are experiencing problems in. They are the channel admins and are here to help. Channel admins are admins of that particular channel. If you cannot find a channel admin look for anyone with a (SA) next to their names. Server admins can go into any channel at any time. If you cannot find a (CA) or (SA) read the following question on how to report improper behavior.
6. How do i report a problem i am having?
For those misbehaving under voice chat a recording is needed. Here is how you make a recording:
Click recording then click start recording.
Select the location you want the recorded file saved to.
Click save
Once you have made the recording zip it up and send it to teamspeak at cgalliance dot org. Make sure you say in the subject the reason for the mail. It will be reviewed. If the user is misbehaving with text..all text is logged by the server automatically. Send an e-mail to teamspeak@cgalliance.org noting the usernme that was using the offensive text and what day and time it was so the log can be researched.
7. What kind of activity is allowed on the server?
This is a voice comms server. It does have the capability for streaming in a round-about way..this is not the purpose of this server. There is only enough bandwidth available for the bursty traffic that voice traffic generates. The constant usage of music streaming is not able to be supported. If you are caught recording or trying to stream music you will be warned once. After that you will be kicked or banned for further offenses. Please keep the subject matter family friendly. Topics about sexual activities either done or contemplated are not apprpriate and will not be allowed. Topics involving illegal activities if found to be occurring will be recorded and the user can be immediatly banned without warning. Also cursing, insulting others, blaspheming God, and insulting or disobeying the admins can lead to an immediate ban.
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