2014 annual fundraising drive [UPDATE: Yay, we did it!]


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Our yearly hosting bill is due in 2 weeks, so I'm posting this now to tell everyone that it's time for our annual fundraising drive.

I'll post again once I check our Paypal account balance.

Please see the Support the Christian Gamers Alliance thread for more information on how to donate.

EDIT: Our annual hosting bill is due Tuesday, July 15, 2014. The total amount due is $420 USD. As of June 28, 2014 at 1 p.m. Central, we have $291.25 USD in our Paypal account, which means we need to raise an additional $128.75 USD to raise in a little over 2 weeks.

We can do it!
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Our current Paypal account balance is $291.25 USD.

EDIT: Last year's bill was $420. I've sent an e-mail to our hosting provider to ask if this year's bill will be the same. I'll post again once I receive a response.
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Our hosting provider has confirmed this year's bill will be the same: $420 after discount.

I plan to start cross-posting this announcement when I'm back at home and at a computer.
Okay, I received the invoice from our hosting provider and it's due Tuesday, July 15, 2014.

We have an additional $128.75 USD to raise in the next two weeks.

I'll put together a single post and start cross-posting now.
Wooo Hooo I,m not broke during this, this year. Give me a reminder pm on the 2nd please.
One way we help offset costs is by using the Amazon Astore located here:

General shopping:

We receive a percentage of each purchase and then we use that percentage to help pay for server costs.

We need roughly need about $2,000 worth of purchased goods for us to get a payout, but this year have only generated roughly $900.

We all know amazon gets more of our money than that, and so if we use the bookmark link, we could actually cover everything pretty easily and even afford an upgrade :D


Thanks for the reminder about the Amazon store link. I keep forgetting! I just placed it on my bookmarks bar.
Thanks for the reminder about the Amazon store link. I keep forgetting! I just placed it on my bookmarks bar.


i actually just bought a scooter battery for $50 FS, so its pretty handy :)
UPDATE: We've received $80 USD in donations since my post on 6/28, which means we only need to raise an additional $48.75 USD to meet our goal!

Thank you VERY much to all the donors who help keep our community online and in proper working order year after year. :)
UPDATE: We've received $80 USD in donations since my post on 6/28, which means we only need to raise an additional $48.75 USD to meet our goal!

July 5th the fund was $48.75 short of the goal.

Funds are due tomorrow and we have $369.78 USD in our account, which means we're $50.22 short of our goal.

July 14th, the fund is $50.22 short of the goal.

Who's got sticky fingers?
July 5th the fund was $48.75 short of the goal.

July 14th, the fund is $50.22 short of the goal.

Who's got sticky fingers?
Paypal, apparently. :(

I was going strictly off donation amounts, forgetting that Paypal gets their cut.

$10 became $9.41.

$20 became $19.12.

$50...somehow remained $50. Different methods of payment, I'm guessing?

So Paypal took $1.47 ($0.59 + $0.88) in fees.

$50.22 - $48.75 = $1.47

There. Now the math adds up.

But thank you for pointing that out, Wolfeman. I didn't even think of it, but I'm sure that sounded shady to more than a few folks.
Update: We've received a donation in the amount of $18.92 (I'm guessing $20 USD or CAD minus Paypal fees, plus possibly a currency conversion), which brings our Paypal account to $388.70.

We now have only $31.30 USD to raise! We can do it!
UPDATE: Yay, we raised enough to pay our hosting bill!

And then some!

Our Paypal account is currently at $471.78 USD. After I pay our hosting bill, we'll have $51.78 USD left over for next year's bill.



A very VERY big "Thank you!" to everyone who donated, either once or monthly, to help pay our expenses. Without your generosity, we couldn't keep our forums and TeamSpeak 3 server online.
UPDATE: Bill paid! As expected, we now have $51.78 USD in our Paypal account.
Hey Tek FYI.....everyone who donates needs to send the money as a "gift" according to one of the mom's at our school. If it's a "gift" then they don't take money out, if it's a payment(?) they do? Not sure but that's how I understand it. So if we want to make the money go further we need to "gift" it to CGA/ToJ. Hope this helps and I put it here for everyone to see for future reference.

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"