What anime is good on Hulu?

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member
It seems like Hulu has been adding a couple new anime shows a week so they are getting a good amount of them. With that volume I don't have the time to go through them all so who likes what Anime that is on Hulu? Don't bother suggesting any of the ecchi ones please >.<. Also I don't torrent but if you know another official site for anime, like Funimation, I'd like to know of it.

I'll give my opinions on some of them (if you want them) in the spoiler and mention any objectionable material I can remember in them. Just take it for granted they all have the ubiquitous Japanese view on fan service >.< . Also apparently whatever rates a "mature" disclaimer on Hulu is different than American Television. A couple of the shows I've listed would not make it on TV for one reason or another even though only one has a Hulu disclaimer.
I rate these about a 7 out of 10. I'm not crazy about any of them but I liked them...

School Rumble: I liked the first season a lot but the second season seems to lack direction so I've lost interest. It's as if the writer only planned the first, had success and then threw together a second. The second season also seems to have little more subject matter that makes me uncomfortable while all the first had was poor Harima getting embarrassed through no fault of his own. I found the dubbing good until the very end of the first season when Harima "sings" (and I use the term loosely). It was only that one time but it scarred me for life "shudders" :p .

The Tower of Druaga:
Based on a RPG it boasts a strong plot line with good characters. Use of CG for some monsters is noticeable but the production values and plot line are high enough it doesn't break it. You can also currently watch the complete second season "The Sword of URUK" on Funmation's web site which is a must to finish the plot line. I must mention I really like the way they did the intro for both seasons. Unfortunately the series does have some light nudity in it though occurrences are infrequent and the focus remains on the story not the fan service. As far as the dub I hardly noticed crossing over from the dub to the sub in seasons one and two so it's quite good. Don't let the first episode throw you either the series gets more serious as it picks up. I probably wouldn't have rated it as high as I do except it has that nostalgic RPG feeling.

Buso Renkin: It's really, really, predictable from beginning to end but the ride isn't upsetting and the romantic in me likes it when Tokiko cries over Kazuki :D . What did you say? That the end of season one just glossed over all the people a character directly or indirectly killed and you saw it coming from a mile away? I can't hear you la, la ,la :p .

Jyu-Oh-Sei: My primary discomfort watching this series was the looming suspicion of a guy on guy romance however it was apparently just some Bishōnen pretty boyishness and he likes girls after all, whew. Other than that the series seems a bit rushed at points but it all wraps up passably (though not everything makes sense). It's also worth mentioning the main character makes sound moral choices while maintaining a flawed human quality other anime don't come across with.

5 or 6 out of ten. I rate these mediocre...

Ramen Fighter Miki: Fluffy and forgettable. I'll probably end up finishing it but the lack of any real plot hasn't drawn me in enough to care to.

Kekkaishi: Honestly I think the unique powers and waiting for him to feed the girl cake are the only things keeping me watching this (and no I'm not kidding about the cake :p ).

Slayers: I can see this show being popular back in the day. I would have rated this higher except it is just similar to other shows that came after it I find nothing to hold it apart. I've watched the first few seasons (when they had them) so I'll probably end up watching the latter ones at some point.

4 or 3 out of 10...

Fist of the North Star: Made for a time when having people explode was apparently the height of animation it has not weathered well. For children probably much of it's draw was their parents not wanting them to watch it rather than it's actual content. The advance of animation has reduced it appeal to "it's so bad it's good" though it was unquestionable deliberately campy from it's creation. The villains are all drooling mad max sociopaths whose only use for their brains is a inevitable explosion. Which is fine for the protagonist who is more than happy to find new ways to explode them. The plot line feels like a one trick pony akin to inspired derivative Dragon Ball Z with more gore and less likability. Some anime, like Red Garden, are more shocking in the actual act of violence than this nowadays. It's worth noting in TF2 sometimes when someone I set on fire runs away to burn to death I want to qoute it saying "You are already dead".

Gurren Lagann: The only reason this one sticks out in my mind is up until the very last show the characters were all about I will be greater than God, my drill will pierce the Heavens etc. all in a very typical anime bravado way. However in the last show it actually gives an acknowledgment of not being God and even one character makes a reference "that humans used someone much greater than themselves" O.o. This seeming humility towards God all left me scratching my head as to it's origin because it really comes out of left field from everything before it and is something I've not seen in anime. Otherwise it's a stereotypical anime.

Darker Than Black: Akin to shows like One Piece the main draw is guessing each new character's abilities. However that's all it has in common as the show is completely different. It's pretty much all about the supernatural characters repeatedly showing emotion even though they are supposed to be incapable of emotion. I found it all rather blasé and leading to end I probably would not care about so I stopped watching it. It's not that the show is bad it's just neither the plot, characters or fights are compelling enough for me to continue to watch it. I can't remember what was objectionable in this show but apparently Hulu found something to give it a mature, need log in verification, rating.

2 out of 10. The bad ones...

Red Garden: The promise of a more touchy-feely realistic approach to girls fighting the supernatural drew me to look at Red Garden but it's execution is more horrible than the ones the girls are forced to do. Frequently animes slowly reveal their plot to keep you watching until the end however this can only be tolerated when you actually like the characters (like Tower of Druaga) this is not the case in Red Garden. First the girls don't ask obvious questions until several shows in which is a must if you want to keep any semblance of realism. Second, and on the opposite hand, having the girls scream and be unable to deal with bludgeoning people to death may be realistic but it's just not fun to watch for the protracted period it goes on. I'd like to think it would be better subbed but the content of the dialog, plot and reoccurring "singing" leave me with the conclusion it would be just as horrible in it's original language. This anime is also sprinkled with a couple more cuss words than most of the anime on Hulu. I just want all of the characters to die, wait all the main characters in Red Garden are already dead? Well at least that's a plus. I did find the Japanese interpretation of New York high school students to be amusing too.

Jing King of Bandits: Seventh Heaven: It's one of those shows that feels more like a drug trip than a plotline that will ever make sense (not that I've had a drug trip mind you :p ). It's pretty bad when a show only has three episodes and I can't make myself watch all three >.< .

And finally these shows. They aren't in a rating order or anything I just gave them a quick blurb...

Virus: Blech.
Heroic Age: Blarg.
Astro Boy: Show is too young and eye roll inducing for me.
Murder Princess: Well at least the plot is two girls swapping bodies and not a girl and a guy. Err me hopes the absence of a male love interest doesn't mean something though >.<.
Naruto Shippuden: I WILL finish it I consider watching the filler episodes a challenge of manhood XD .
One Piece: Colorful character design but uninteresting plots which go on too long. I am not a fan of the over the top animation style either.
Dragonaut: The Resonance: Bosom powers unite. I did not get past the first episode.
Inuyasha: It's not that bad but the entire story could have been told in two seasons and it drags on for 7 (8 with the final act) clearly for a younger audience who doesn't like plot development.
Bleach: Just wasn't in the mood for the spiritual aspects of it.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Ditto of the Bleach but to lesser extent. It's just some of the things the main character said.
Soul Eater: Meh. With it's cartoony approach the spiritual aspects seem less annoying in this than Bleach.
Samurai X: I have minor interest in watching it but can't stand the horrible dub on Hulu/Crackle.
Death Note: When I mouthed the main character's words at the end of the first episode (I will be worshipped as a God) before he said them I lost all interest.

I was looking at "Monster" but my vote is still out so far. It touts itself as a serious thriller but I've yet to be drawn in.
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Unfortunately I have had so many problems and issues with using Hulu that I hate it and anything to do with it... And for some reason when I did get it to work there was like 5 minutes of commercials every 5 minutes...very lame...

I disagree with some of your ratings, but that is all a matter of opinion... However, I watched most of them all the way through before coming to a conclusion, which for me the ending can make or break any Anime...

And it must be Hulu because many of those you complained about the dubbing on, were not bad when I watched them (not on Hulu :P)...
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Okay, here goes.
  • Astro Boy. If it's the Astro Boy and not a remake, it's "required reading" for anime fans.
  • Bleach. Watch the first 20 or so episodes of the anime, then switch to reading the manga.
  • Buso Renkin. Don't recall hearing about this one.
  • Darker Than Black. Enjoyed this series more than I thought I would. I can't say it really offers anything new, but I got attached to some of the characters. I think I liked Darker Than Black: Gemini of the Meteor better overall, if only because of the new main character.
  • Death Note. Watched the entire series, enjoyed approximately the first two thirds, and was a tad disappointed in the ending (which is a frustratingly common trend in anime series). The series was incredibly popular, even if (IMHO) it didn't live up to its potential.
  • Dragonaut: The Resonance. Watched part of the first episode. Never looked back.
  • Fist of the North Star. I have no personal interest in watching this, but the series is important enough in terms of anime history that I feel like I should watch at least the first episode.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist. Watched the first episode of the first anime series back when it was being fansubbed. Never watched the second episode, only to read much later that the series doesn't pick up until later. I intended on watching the second anime series as it was being fansubbed, but let it slip through the cracks.
  • Gurren Lagann. This is one of the most manic anime series in history. The shameless tribute to the mecha genre and the over-the-top bravado of the older main character drew me in, but, for some reason I can't recall, I abandoned the series about 7-8 episodes in. Maybe I forgot about it? Regardless, the series ended up being one of the most popular in recent history among anime fans.
  • Heroic Age. I think this is another series I dropped halfway through the first episode, but I can't recall.
  • Inuyasha. I watched the first complete season of Ranma 1/2. That gets me a free pass for watching the first season of Inuyasha, right?
  • Jing King of Bandits. The name rings a bell, but I can't place it. If I remember correctly, it's a shounen series, which tend not to interest me. Watching the main character "power up" over four episodes and fight for five in a story arc that should have lasted three episodes total got old the third or fourth time it happened in Naruto.
  • Jyu-Oh-Sei. I do not recall the name.
  • Kekkaishi. If this is the series I'm thinking of, I let this one slip through the cracks and, based on a few snippets of reviews I've read, I regret it a little. If I find a way to watch the series subtitled (sorry, I'm an anime elitist and I can't stand dubs), I'll want to give the first few episodes a try.
  • Monster. I think I watched the first episode of this one, too. If it's the series I'm thinking of, it smacked of the "fat older white rich guy is bad, skinny young less wealthy guy is good" ham-fisted social commentary and black and white morality that ruins a story from the outset. But maybe I'm thinking of something else.
  • Murder Princess. I've seen the name come up often enough that I'd like to see the first episode or two. I can't recall how long ago this was fansubbed or how I missed it.
  • Naruto Shippuden. Stop watching the anime. Now. Find the comparable point in the manga and switch over to reading immediately. The only exception to this rule is in the previous series: Naruto episode 133. It breaks every rule in the shounen anime playbook, featuring a long-awaited epic fight NOT punctuated by flashbacks and inner monologue or interrupted by an external event.
  • One Piece. Since I recommend reading the Naruto and Bleach manga over watching the corresponding series, I have to extend that advice to One Piece--even though I've never watched a single episode. Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece are the most popular shounen series right now, so I think it's safe to lump them together in expecting filler arcs, fights that should take one episode stretched out over five a la Dragon Ball Z, and other pacing problems.
  • Ramen Fighter Miki. Sounds vaguely familiar, but I think I missed this one the first time around. Sounds like another "feisty girl with a heart of gold, muscular legs, and a short skirt fights random people while flashing pantsu (panty shots) between shifts at a part-time job where she works for and lives (the downstairs area is the shop, the upstairs area is the living area) with her adopted family" story, though. I could be mistaken.
  • Red Garden. Does not sound familiar.
  • Samurai X. I don't know what the dub sounds like, but I watched this one subbed several years ago and would recommend it to anyone looking for a solid action/drama anime. It's highly regarded by fans and doesn't suffer from the same "Let's all hug it out" rot that wore thin after about four episodes of the Rurouni Kenshin series.
  • School Rumble. I really need to sit down and watch the first season of this anime. It looks like a manic gag comedy anime, which, judging by my love of Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, is right up my alley.
  • Slayers. Lina Inverse is awesome. Her character alone makes me want to watch every new Slayers series that come out. Slayers may be a bit long in the tooth these days, but when it aired, it was the standout hit among a slew of fantasy comedy series.
  • Soul Eater. Watched the first episode. Laughed a bit. Didn't feel like getting involved in another shounen anime. See: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece. It looked like a cool series and I may have continued watching it had it come out before Bleach or Naruto.
  • The Tower of Druaga. This is another one I let slip through the cracks. D'oh.
  • Virus. This doesn't ring any bells.
And, as I always have to do in any thread related to anime:

I highly recommend watching Denno Coil. Why this series has not yet been licensed for US distribution is beyond me as its one of my all-time favorite series (and I've been watching anime for about 15 years now).
[*]Samurai X. I don't know what the dub sounds like, but I watched this one subbed several years ago and would recommend it to anyone looking for a solid action/drama anime. It's highly regarded by fans and doesn't suffer from the same "Let's all hug it out" rot that wore thin after about four episodes of the Rurouni Kenshin series.

I'm a little confused... I thought Samurai X was the same thing as Rurouni Kenshin.
I'm a little confused... I thought Samurai X was the same thing as Rurouni Kenshin.
Same main character, different points in the character's history.

Samurai X precedes Rurouni Kenshin chronologically.
[*]Astro Boy. If it's the Astro Boy and not a remake, it's "required reading" for anime fans.
Butt laser FTW :p .

[*]Buso Renkin. Don't recall hearing about this one.
Same genre as Kekkaishi.

[*]Fist of the North Star. I have no personal interest in watching this, but the series is important enough in terms of anime history that I feel like I should watch at least the first episode.
Ditto. Watch one or two episodes and you can guess the rest of the series.

[*]Inuyasha. I watched the first complete season of Ranma 1/2. That gets me a free pass for watching the first season of Inuyasha, right?
IDK will that work in reverse for me :p .

[*]Kekkaishi. If this is the series I'm thinking of, I let this one slip through the cracks and, based on a few snippets of reviews I've read, I regret it a little. If I find a way to watch the series subtitled (sorry, I'm an anime elitist and I can't stand dubs), I'll want to give the first few episodes a try.
It is subtitled on Hulu Tek though whoever did it left some odd characters in the text. In fact their are many subs on Hulu. It has the very typical format for shows of this type except the things I mentioned. I want to see 10 years in it's future with the girl all fat and happy from cake :p .

I'm not a elitest dub hater :p. Just certain dubs are horrible and I have never found a dub to be better than the original voice acting but there are many that are equal. I think of the ones I listed Red Garden and Samurai X were the only dubs I hated. I still haven't heard a dub with good singing though XD.

[*]Slayers. Lina Inverse is awesome. Her character alone makes me want to watch every new Slayers series that come out. Slayers may be a bit long in the tooth these days, but when it aired, it was the standout hit among a slew of fantasy comedy series.
I probably end up watching the rest at some point.

I highly recommend watching Denno Coil. Why this series has not yet been licensed for US distribution is beyond me as its one of my all-time favorite series (and I've been watching anime for about 15 years now).
I liked it Tek just not as much as you (I watched it long ago before I gave up torrents and I give it a solid 7 which compared to my other scores is good). I'm more sedate about movies and anime in general. I also use a true rating system unlike most places. Average titles are 5,10 is a perfect score as in I can find no fault in it and none of this going to 11 junk. I never get carried away by glitz so I'd only be an ok reviewer but an awesome critic :D.

I highly recommend Baccano!

As far as Baccano goes I found myself wanting to see Isaac and Miria in it and nothing else. Unfortunately they aren't in it enough to save it becuase the show is not a comedy.
1. Fights suffer from a bit from monologue syndrome.
2. I felt like someone should put out a lawn sprinkler shooting blood and run around in it.
3. Breaking the time line is a mixed bag so I can't say I like or dislike it. It draws interest but it's also distracting from actually watching the show as you try to follow the order of events.
4. Man that demon is certainly obliging >.< ...
5. A few issues are unresolved at the end. Do I see a second season coming?
I'll give it a 4 and it may have been a 6 if not for the bloodlust and demon dealing.

Let me go ahead and list the anime I haven't seen on hulu and see if anyone likes any of these (I don't expect an opinion on all of them like last time Tek aka anime zealot :p ). I only listed my opinions on the those for reference.

Black Cat
Samurai Champoo
Fruits Basket
Coyote Ragtime Show
Sgt. Frog
Nabari no Ou
Ergo Proxy
Tokyo Majin
The Wallflower
Air Gear
The Prince of Tennis
Baldr Force EXE
Captain Harlock
Pumkin Scissors
Linebarrels of Iron
Shattered Angels
Sands of Destruction
Slam Dunk
Hikaru no Go
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Shigurui: Death Frenzy
Spice and Wolf
Le Chevalier D'Eon
Romeo x Juliet
Bamboo Blade
Jinki: Extend
Ghost Hunt
Honey And Clover
Moon Phase
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: I think this is for a younger audience
Pani Poni Dash!
Descendants of Darkness
Gun Frontier
Now and Then, Here and There
Rumbling Hearts
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: It's a second season and I only like starting from the beginning though.
Save Me! Lollipop
Galaxy Express 999
Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
Moeyo Ken
Pretty Cure
Prince Planet
Big Windup

and Robotech stuff...

Robotech: Macross Saga
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles
Robotech: New Generation
Robotech: Macross Saga
Super Dimension Fortress Macross

I know Robotech has probably been seen by everyone but me. What is the order of these series to start with? Also is Macross a spin off (due to the name sharing) or is it something completely different. Seems like a lot to get into so I never have.

I did not list a few becuase I knew they where ecchi, crude, gay (I mean literary not derogatorily) or stupid. I also didn't check all these to see what was in them I just cut and pasted the names. There are a couple of these I watched a little of but wonder if it's worth continuing. I didn't go through Funimation's site yet either there are more on there.
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Let me go ahead and list the anime I haven't seen on hulu and see if anyone likes any of these (I don't expect an opinion on all of them like last time Tek aka anime zealot :p ). I only listed my opinions on the those for reference.

Black Cat
Samurai Champoo
Fruits Basket
Coyote Ragtime Show
Sgt. Frog
Nabari no Ou
Ergo Proxy
Tokyo Majin
The Wallflower
Air Gear
The Prince of Tennis
Baldr Force EXE
Captain Harlock
Pumkin Scissors
Linebarrels of Iron
Shattered Angels
Sands of Destruction
Slam Dunk
Hikaru no Go
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Shigurui: Death Frenzy
Spice and Wolf
Le Chevalier D'Eon
Romeo x Juliet
Bamboo Blade
Jinki: Extend
Ghost Hunt
Honey And Clover
Moon Phase
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: I think this is for a younger audience
Pani Poni Dash!
Descendants of Darkness
Gun Frontier
Now and Then, Here and There
Rumbling Hearts
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: It's a second season and I only like starting from the beginning though.
Save Me! Lollipop
Galaxy Express 999
Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
Moeyo Ken
Pretty Cure
Prince Planet
Big Windup

and Robotech stuff...

Robotech: Macross Saga
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles
Robotech: New Generation
Robotech: Macross Saga
Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Of the series you listed, I marked those I've seen in their entirety in bold.

Of those I marked, I'd recommend Spice and Wolf but only for an older audience? Why? Because I don't want to recommend it to a minor and have his/her parent walk in during one of the few scenes in the beginning of the story when a fox deity takes a female human form and prefers to walk around without clothes.

Spice and Wolf doesn't feature any real nudity (those who've seen Neon Genesis Evangelion understand what I'm talking about), but I would still slap a disclaimer on it for "pseudo-nudity." The story does draw from Japanese mythology, which means that Christians unfamiliar with anime may be uncomfortable with a goddess character in a lead role.

With disclaimers out of the way, I have to say that it's one of the best series I've watched in the last few years. The lead characters are among the most endearing in anime. The male lead is a welcome break from the cliche male leads so common in anime: He's intelligent, street smart, quick-witted, and not naive.

Black Cat and Moeyo Ken are fun series, but by no means legendary.

Samurai Champloo is one of my all-time favorites (in my top 5), but it is NOT for the young ones. There's some objectionable content throughout (two episodes in particular come to mind), but there's also some of the best writing, characters, and art anime has to offer.

Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid (or TSR! as it's sometimes written) is a great series featuring one of my favorite romantic moments in anime (don't worry: it's still an action/drama/comedy series), but it also features a brief nude scene that seems entirely out of place.
There is no good anime on Hulu because there is no such thing as good anime.

There is no good anime on Hulu because there is no such thing as good anime.

/me makes sure no crumbs fall from his backpack and stomps on the bridge as he crosses
Jyu-Oh-Sei was pretty good.
Ramen Fighter Miki, can be pretty funny at times.My Bro says it's pretty modest.
Kurau: Phantom Memory, was alright I think (it's been awhile)
Jinki: Extend, um.... I saw it, I'm not really sure what the story was about though...Might have suggestive themes(don't remember)
Gigantor, Hulu has it now, it looks old.
Heroic Age, I'm on the 7th episode I think its ok so far.
This website isn't official but it has anime, http://www.watchanimeon.com/
Hulu did have a anime movie called Vexille: 2077 was pretty good.I think they took it down though...
Sweet jones, Gerbil, I highly recommend The Last Exile. Steam punk, great action scenes, and cool characters. It does get a bit slow at times, and the ending was kinda :/ but otherwise, it's terrific. ^_^

Oh, and the dub is actually very good. :p
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Sweet jones, Gerbil, I highly recommend The Last Exile. Steam punk, great action scenes, and cool characters. It does get a bit slow at times, and the ending was kinda :/ but otherwise, it's terrific. ^_^

Oh, and the dub is actually very good. :p

I just watched it all as soon as they put it up (kind of becuase I knew you had watched it already :) ) and it was pretty good, definitely one of the better anime on Hulu. Very little language and no fanservice (the hulu version is subtitled too :) ). My primary issue was some things are to vague yet the series deliberately mentions them to give you ideas (see spoiler).

Kinda unsettling when Alvis asks Claus where he was last night and the last thing you saw him doing was kissing Sophia O.o >.< . Then there is the comment Lavie makes in one of the voice overs announcing the next episode. It's something like your work clothes smell like Tatiana, Sophia and ewwww Dio. I know it's meant to be funny but the continuing unresolved undercurrent is a bit unsettling. Also there are multiple times a women is cut off saying "Claus is..." Claus is what? What is Claus? huh? huh? a friend? a womanizer? For crying out loud spit out what Claus is already!

If you doubt the questionable inferences there is also that gay guy to contend with XD.

Yeah the ending is meh but I expected it to be too short. You know the series isn't going to cover enough becuase it has a host of questions before it reaches the end. On the plus side I much prefer the more immersive "learn as you go" route to the story as opposed to "tell it to the viewer" dialogue many anime suffer from. Also Alex's impending death is written in big bold letters along with the fact Exile is a spaceship though it takes forever for them to flat out say it (huge flying thing named Exile, it's not like you don't think spaceship).

It does have enough to keep you watching though. Characters are interesting, art is good for cgi/animation merging, decent writing and very little objectionable.
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/tips cow



Other than that though, I can't find any "decent" anime myself. :(