Greetings as guild elder of ASK, I want to formally thank you for allowing us to be a part the guilds listed.
ASK stands for ASK - SEEK - KNOCK, which we of course begins everyone's journey of faith. Those who truly seek can only end up in one place, before the throne of grace, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our guild does not adverstise on the WoW forums, and we are not really trying to "promote" our guild. We are confident that the Lord will bring the right people our way in His timing.
The burden of the guild is to see Christians grow in their faith, by doing daily Scripture meditation, and memorization, as well as a healthy prayer life.
We strongly believe in accountability and knowing each other beyond the casual hello how are you today kind of catchphrase that permeates our Christian culture.
Our heart is also burdened for the 5 million + gamers that are a part of the World of Warcraft. This means developing relationships with people who do not know the Lord and being ready to point them to their need of a Saviour. WIthout Christ there is only hell and eternal separation from God. We will not sugar coat it, nor are we ashamed of our Saviour.
Of course realistically this is a game so we intend of also having fun building each other up in the body of Christ. To make it clear, anyone from all walks of life is welcome in our fellowship - just as someone is allowed to bring a non-believer to church. Non-believers are not second class citizens but obviously just as hopefully a true bible believing church would affirm, they cannot be in any kind of leadership.
We would appreciate your prayers in these days as we seek to please the Lord with what we do.
Thank you for giving us a place to share our heart,
May the Lord bless you as you seek to honour Him in the way you game,
Athawen - Guild Elder of ASK