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    Punkin! With whipped cream, please!
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    Word Association GW2 version

    General Chicken
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    Word Association GW2 version

    God gave rock and roll to you
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    Word Association GW2 version

    Well, Classy Clarinette, of course!
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    Official Legacy of Elijah Enrollment Thread

    Invite TOJ: ClassyClarinette GW2: ClassyClarinette.8420 Used to be involved with Aion legion, seeing some familiar names here!
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    Hi Bonnie! I've missed you and the rest of the legion. I got really busy with tax season and didn't have time to play. Now it's property taxes, but I hope to start playing again soon. Good to hear from you. Hugs!
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    April 4th

    Woo hoo! Now I need tax season to end so I can actually play!
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    Who's still active?

    I personally vote for Seil, since thats where most of my toons are. I do have one on Israphel if we decide to go that way. Is it possible to do both? Also, FYI, I'm in the middle of tax season so I probably won't be on much until after April 15...probably mostly just weekends.
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    Who's still active?

    Looks like just me, James, and Alex left. We do sometimes still group together and both James and Alex have been very helpful. Any chance of one of you deputy's could log on just to promote one of us so we can have the ability invite others to the legion? Both Alex and I even have alternates...
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    Who's still active?

    I'm still active, although quickly losing interest as most of my friends have left. :(
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    Happy New Year!

    Missing you guys! Happy New Year! :)
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    Good to hear from you, Bonnie. Yes, "The Elect" has been pretty quiet lately. I still get on there periodically, but have also joined the asmo server with Mike, James, & Alex. Not on vent much, most of my time playing Aion is while the family is watching TV, which isn't optimum for vent...
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    How to join our Christian Legion in Aion!

    My asmo character name on Israphel is Munchncrunch. Leveling has been pretty fast by doing the mentor quests. I created it about a week ago and I'm already at level 19, playing maybe an hour a day.
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    How to join our Christian Legion in Aion!

    Welcome Wulfilas! I think I met you during a mentor quest (Xenopha, I believe). Looking forward to having you as part of our team!
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    Eluos Army 5 Star Officer!

    Congratulations again, and thanks for showing Rick and I around Eso! Looking forward to our legion doing many more! I'm PST too, but typically don't stay up quite as late as you do, at least not on worknights.
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    Will be gone for the next week :) ...... Vaction!

    We'll miss you and be praying for you!
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    Starr looking for a re-invite

    Welcome! Welcome Starr! I think you'll find leveling a bit faster than it was a year ago. I also have a number of alts at different levels, so let me know if you'd like a buddy for some of those quests!
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    Legion Group Night Discussion thread!

    Hmmm...I do enjoy our group nights, doesn't matter too much what we do, but I would suggest dark poeta, udas, or crucible if we have enough 50+. For lower levels, maybe fire temple or khq?
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    Character transfer

    Well, I was finally able to do it. I was able to transfer my Classy Clarinette character from Vazeil to Seil. I've been waiting for over a year for Aion to allow it. Wanted to post in case others have characters they've wanted to transfer. Wow, if I keep this up, I may have as many alts as...