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  1. G

    call it a stupid idea but hey what do i know

    I'll throw in my 2 cents... Tek7 is exactly right;  The ToJ server is NOT supposed to be just another public cs server. I believe it should be EVERY players' duty to make sure everyone else is having fun.  If the good players on the server are owning everyone, you should feel obliged to put...
  2. G

    Sportsmanship lacking...

    Hey all, I appreciate the replies that this post has recieved thusfar, and I thank you for understanding my opinion.  And thats what the original post is, my opinion.  I am in NO way implying that the admins or that ALL members of the server are behaving in an unsportsmanlike manner.  Very...
  3. G

    Sportsmanship lacking...

    *taken from* sportsmanship 1. The fact or practice of participating in sports or a sport. 2. Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing. Christlike 1. Resembling Christ in...