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  1. pteskittles

    Raid Quest Schedule

    Hey guys, just wondering since with the new 3.3 updates and that we have raid quests everyweek, if we can get some sort of schedule going for these things? I think the weekends or Friday night would work best? :D
  2. pteskittles

    Anub'arak Video

    Also.... Again for Anub... here's another link with some good advice for defeating Anub. ;)
  3. pteskittles

    Anub'arak Video

    ya i've been scowering around the interwebs to try and find a vid that would properly describe how to take down Anub using different techinques, and this guy covers all of them.
  4. pteskittles

    Hunters in Redeemed?

    excellent chance to get that cooking skill RL i mean :P
  5. pteskittles

    My greatest day in WoW! What's yours?

    i just went to 25 VoA like last week and on first boss these things dropped... Tier 9 Lock pants....twice Relentless Pants (PvP) Lock. I was the only lock in the group!!! ^_^ 2nd boss: I got the Furious Gloves as well... so that's a total of 4 fresh items in one run....the tier 9 pants are...