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  1. B

    Gay Marriage

    Just my $0.02...I think you got my point, GP. There are basically 2 parts of a "marriage:" 1. the civil contract part and 2. the religious part An ex-gf of mine just recently got married at the county courthouse. No minister, just a Justice of the Peace. Is she "married?" In the first...
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    Jehovah/Yahweh v. God the Father v. Allah

    Sorry 'bout starting the thread and then leaving it to die on the side of the's been taking up a lot more of my time than I was anticipating, so I cannot be the...well...whatever I am here (BTW, if anyone knows a good book to help a student with autism to read...I'm all ears.)
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    Jehovah/Yahweh v. God the Father v. Allah

    That was the point I was trying for...I happened to use the trinity as an example.
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    Jehovah/Yahweh v. God the Father v. Allah

    I've seen Christians argue this on every board I've ever been to. So, let's look at the similarities and differences. I'm using the term "Jehovah" for the supreme being of the Jews, God the Father for the non-Gnostic Christians, and Allah for the Muslims. Jehovah-vengeful, moody, killed people...
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    Micheal Jackson are advocating that Jackson (if guilty) should be sexually assaulted by other men? Praise Jehovah indeed...
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    Gay Marriage

    Check the dates, dude: Eon: Dec. 29, 2003, 10:17 Big J: Dec. 29, 2003, 1:54 (OK, the times will probably be off if you have it set different...but check the dates. I did not bump it. I responded to Eon, that's it.)
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    would this be called

    I think the better question is why? Is there a reason that your parents won't drive you there more often? If it is because they are tired, perhaps talk to other members...maybe another parent could take you? Or perhaps the leader of the group could? I mean, realistically, does the over 30 rule...
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    Predestination v. Freewill

    Considering that the Bible is composed of books written at different times by different, you will never find a verse that says anything along the lines of "the Holy Bible is infallable and/or the word of Jehovah." It was put together by people (inspired or not is irrelevant to this...
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    Interesting. See, I was taught that if Jesus was in your heart, there was no way a demon could posess you. Yeat another difference between the Baptists and the Roman Catholics (who do actually have exorcists). ;) OK, on the OT. Never played it, but I think it is as evil as you want it to be...
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    Jehovah harded Pharoah's heart so that he could show off his power more. Jehovah = Show Off? Plus, you know, it is very cruel of Jehovah to injure the Egyptian people as well.  I mean, Egypt was not a democracy...what, were the Egyptian people supposed to rise up and overthrow Pharoah...
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    Predestination v. Freewill

    I have no clue about Eastern Orthodoxy. The more I read about it, the less like Roman Catholicism it seems (non-trinitarian, etc.). For the Roman Catholics, it is faith and works that earn your way into heaven...thus why they need purgatory (that way one can "burn off" all the sins you did...
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    I have done some good things. Quite honestly, people assume that I'm a Christian in the real world. On another note, I have no idea how old most of you are (I did on a couple of people who are no longer here, but the reason I knew their ages was that I knew them from other boards.) I know...
  13. B

    Predestination v. Freewill

    Wow. Just got done reading the debate in the Asatru thread, and it got me thinking. My experience was with Baptist (fundy/Independant) and Roman Catholicism, neither of which "believe" in predestination. So forgive me Pop and ATown if I mess it up...but basically, predestination states that it...
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    Ahem. I trust you mean astronomers, since astrologers are the people who do horoscopes. Also, whether one believes that there are no gods and it is 100% evolution or that there was no evolution and goddidit strikes me as the height of pride that we would have the only life in the...
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    Forgive my cynicism here.   Jehovah needs people to worship him.  That is what Christians bring to the equation.  An eternity of praising Jehovah (according to my Baptist education).  There is going to be a couple of big wars ("Armegeddon" and "Jesus versus Satan"), but...IIRC, Jesus' return...
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    Eon, thanks for the info. Also glad that the WP part was not wasn't meant as a slam, and I'm glad that you didn't take it as such.
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    Asatru 101: Basic Tenets and Beliefs

    I have a few questions for you too. 1-how big is the pantheon? Is it comparable to the Greco-Roman tradition where there are basically gods and goddesses for everything? 2-Vallhalla (sp?) is it literal (as most Christians believe Heaven is a literal place)? And what happens there? On a...
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    What is your religion?

    Er...India is Hindu and Pakistan is Muslim, not Buddhist. They are not totally opposite...Buddha basically sought to change Hinduism, reform it, just as Jesus sought to reform Judism. Buddhism never really caught on in India, just as Christianity never really caught on in Israel. Judism...
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    Gay Marriage

    1. Yet they cannot marry. Funny, huh? Gays are more likely to break up, so we won't let them marry. 2. I'd like to see where you found those statistics. Really. 3. The Roman Catholic Church holds to that if a man is shooting blanks and knows it...he is not allowed to marry.