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    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Sazul !~!
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    A sight rarely seen here !

    Ok so Sazul woke me up at 4:30 am, and said "Kara come look!" Open the door and it was snowing, a rare sight for Groves, TX. I was like a lil kid in a candy store :D
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    guild bank clean up

    guild bank clean up, saturday nov. 8, 2008 6 pm
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    Hurricane Ike

    Due to hurricane Ike, Sazul and I will be heading north to Dallas, so I will be most likely unable to attend Friday, Sept. 12, raid.
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    Hurricane Gustav

    Hey guys, do to a hurricane heading this way, depending on the internet connection at the hotel, i might not be able to make the raid Monday Sept. 1
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    Happy Birthday Laraptor !!!

    Happy Birthday Laralooooo !!!
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    Help a guildie out !!!

    hey guys, need your help...we have a guildie (Shadowbill) that is going to be 70 soon and we are shooting for the Frozen Shadoweave Set, any tailors with a shadowcloth cooldown available please let us know, would be greatly appreciated.
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    Sazul is home

    Hey guys just an update, Sazul's surgery went fine, and he is home. Thanks to everyone that prayed for us, he told me that he should be back on tomorrow..(and he said I was addicted lol)