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    UXZero appointed Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader

    congrats brother! let me know if you need help with anything. You got my support!
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    Whats a good time to get a Legion invite?

    i will be on all day today, plz send invite to Arkoutha
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    How to join our Christian Legion in Aion!

    Fade, I just registered and it took only a few minutes.
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    The Elect is here!

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    Siel is our server?

    All, I wouldn't worry to much about a zerg guild jumping on the server and ruining the game. I was part of RUIN guild on WAR and they jumped from one server to another. If anything, they will add to the game and my hopes that NCsoft will better handle PvPvE then Mythic handled WARHAMMER. Plus...
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    Aion Christian Legion (Guild): The Beginning

    my main will be a cleric with the name being Solomon or Arkoutha and have a alt of a gladiator so I can play with my wife. I was thinking of foregoing crafting and be a pure harvester and/or resource gatherer to sell and for the guild.
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    Aion Guild

    All, Just wanted to thank everyone for keeping this post active and I enjoy the other threads coming out of this. Keep up the good blogging. Hope to speak to all of you soon on the Siel Server. Vote Sons of Thunder! why “sons of thunder”? The Bible never fully explains this interesting...
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    Aion Guild

    Had some lag issues as well, but is just seems to be a server issue. I am all playing for the light side (Elyos) because I always like playing the underdog.
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    Aion Guild

    I wouldn't worry too much about overcrowded servers, with the first 10 lvls being in a channeled instance, we shouldn't have too much lag. Plus coldturkey49 is 100% correct, regarding his comment after 3 months. I played WAR and even though I was on a more populated server, after 3 months is...
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    Aion Guild

    what classes are you guys going to play? I am shooting towards a cleric as a main and a gladiator as an alt...
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    Aion Guild

    keep the post coming. but so far we do not have a leader for the guild. I am hoping someone will volunteer. If not, I will start up one and just turn over guild leadership. Between school and work, I just don't have the time to lead, but more then happy to help out. Start coming up with some...
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    Aion Guild

    Nice to see this thread picking up some steam. Most of us will be jumping on the Siel Server, Elyos Side. I will be jumping on a week earlier because I got the CE. If you are interested in starting a guild - let me know, I will more then happy to get one off the ground but I do not have the...
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    Aion Guild

    Every game will have pros and cons, thus far this is the very best game that I have played in beta that is polished and has great server stability. Found a great article from some devs and producers on this game...
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    Aion Guild

    only by a few...
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    Aion Guild

    yep, last closed beta before official release.
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    Aion Guild

    its a closed beta right now, but you can put 5 dollars down at gamespot or your local game shop and they will give you a disc so that you will have a key code so you can play. It will take about 20 hours to download the game depending on your internet connection.
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    Aion Guild

    open beta this weekend, send me a tell in game if you are on on. On the Siel Server and in game character is "Arkoutha"
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    Aion Guild

    I was thinking on jumping on Siel as well. I will be sure to let everyone know what server most of us will be playing on. At the very least, if we don't have a guild, we will have fellow christian players we can rely on.