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  1. C

    Allowing wiccans, satanists, and other non-christians into the guild.

    Today I left <Redeemed> after I found out in guild chat that as long as they have a sponsor, literally anyone is allowed into the guild. Not just simple non-believers, but wiccans and even satanists are allowed. When I joined Redeemed, I read the information at the joinus page. It very...
  2. C

    This game is lonely...

    I have two characters, a 32 rogue (Leynna) and a 21 priest (Samer), and I'm finding it pretty near never that I can find a group. I thought when I created the two, that I would have the soloer (Rogue) and the groupie (priest), but even with a priest I just can't get groups unless it is for...
  3. C


    Hi everyone, My name is Cary, I live in Foster City, CA and I want to say Thank You for inviting me to join KoT (Lamorak). On Lamorak I have a Necro servant named Goib, and a Enh/Rej bot that you'll see me towing around. I also have two 50 sight necros on Merlin. I hope to see everyone...