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  1. Altoid

    How do I do this?

    I would like to request Veteran Status for Tonkatoid. Please infrom me the proper way to do this! Thanks. Tonka
  2. Altoid

    Z-Computer is Down

    not sure when i'll be up!
  3. Altoid


    At the end of next week I will be BACK to playing WOW again. I am the assistant director of a Play at Hale Theater and we go into production! I have been on vacation the past week in St. Lucia, Did not want to come back esp to work.. Have missed play esp last night! So see you soon on a...
  4. Altoid

    Availability for Dec-Csaltoid

    I am in a theatrical production at the present time and willnot be available for play till 9pm server time each night. I will be available Sundays after 2pm server time. Just wanted to let you know so you would not think I had quit the game! It is a hoot playing with Redeemed and I will miss the...