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  1. G

    Dueling system

    Something that a friend told me about. U can now duel in the guidl. We can set up 8v8 groups or go solo 1v1. Go to guild hall click guild battle and hit scrim. The other person/group can click scrim and then its set
  2. G

    15k armor factions n e one?

    This guy is saying that theres a special set of 15k that u can only get when u beat the game. It looks Awesome on the tank
  3. G


    dang it. 86% of the map xplored and I can't find n e thing else. On a different note lol i found that lvl 30 rotscale again. They took him out for a while and now hes back.
  4. G


    We are looking for an alliance when factions comes out. We are an all christian guild. Gods Humble Servents. We only have 29 members on GW, but we have alot more on are site. Let me know what u think. I "think" we were leaning towards Luxons for factions.
  5. G

    Hey We are looking for an Alliance when factions comes out

    er i posted it twice sorry