Recent content by Zero

  1. Z

    SWG or EQ anyone?

    I played EverQuest, then went cold turkey because I just spent to much time on it. I camped for the GBS near qenyos for like 16 days, with hardly any sleep. I quit very shortly after that. I played SWG, but I found that 1 hour a night was to little, so I quit that too. I want to start playing...
  2. Z

    PlanetSide Players

    Obviously no one plays PlanetSide here, so just delete this.
  3. Z


    I would like you to keep PS questions on this thread. If you have Windows XP, you can download it for free, and play for the 30-day-trial. Go there and look at the front page. If that does not work go to:
  4. Z

    PlanetSide Players

    Please keep PS questions in this thread:
  5. Z


    Quoted by MaxX: I would like you to keep PS questions on this thread. If you have Windows XP, you can download it for free, and play for the 30-day-trial. Go there and look at the front page. If that does not work go to...
  6. Z

    PlanetSide Players

    I would like to know anyone and everyone who plays PlanetSide. If you do not, and wish to try it, go to If you have Windows XP, you can download it for free. If not, you can try the free 7-day trial. Name: Server: Empire: Optional - Battle Rank: Command Rank: any other...
  7. Z


    Yeah, it is stupid. If you are downloading the one for the Win Xp, then try to download it again. If not, try to contact the CSR's for Sony.
  8. Z


    I am planning on obtaining BR 15 and CR 3-5 by the end of February, but I cannot commit a lot of time to leading a chapter right now. If anyone would like, I will try now. If not, I am going to just continue with the Outfit I am in.
  9. Z


    Well, if I were to be a leader, I would like to be at Battle Rank(BR) 15, and Command Rank(CR) 2 oe 3 atleast. I am currently at BR 7, CR 0, and progressing by the day. As I progress in the game, and if life works out for me, I will be able to lead a chapter by next fall, or before that.
  10. Z


    A leader...Wow. I will have to think about that. I would much rather be a Co-leader, or something along those lines. Although, for those of you who play PlanetSide, I am on Markov, and my name is GlennP. Contact me in game.
  11. Z


    I will help where needed.
  12. Z


    I was wondering if there was still a PlanetSide chapter. If there is, someone please contact me via: e-mail/MSN: or AIM: r0de.
  13. Z

    Official Tribe of Judah Steam account listing

    Hi, I have been on the server before, and play on other Christian servers. rode_ride name: [] Zero