Recent content by Twooey

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    Application and Introduction

    Hey all I'm Twooey, I was a member of redeemed while still playing WoW. looking forward to joining up here.
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    Important Announcement

    I hate to do this to you guys, but I cancelled my account today, It's still going to be active for the next week or so, but with my new job, I won't have time to play much over the next few weeks, and I don't have any time for raiding which is the only thing in the game that appeases to me right...
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    Raiding and me

    A handful of people have been asking if it would be possible to move raiding team 2 back an hour. It starting to seem like a good idea considering we are getting quite a few people who are busy around regular raid time. Anything currently works for me :P
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    Silly Comic

    I got a kick out of this
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    If your concerned with security, and really want a safe WoW box, and if your using ATI or Nvidia graphics card's. I really recommend taking the time to set up a Linux partition, and running WoW there. You loose a few of the fancy graphic settings, but security is really amazing. It seems like...
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    Epic Ding

    Cat form for me as always just been for leveling.... though I find that odd now I think about it.... Though the point was I dinged at Deathwing :D
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    Epic Ding

    I figured this was worth showing.
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    WTB Meatclysm Screenies

    You all are so lucky to have gamer friends whom can all get together and hang out. :D WTB Pennsylvania Redeemers.
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    Lich King Downed

    Our Guild downing of the Lich King. Was the first time for many of us. Post Pics :D