Recent content by Goose241

  1. G

    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

    I have created an on-line wiki for Halo 2 Multiplayer Strategies over at I know that some of you may be asking yourself what a wiki is but simply it is a way for people to work together to edit a webpage. I have the basics started but I would like to do more. I was hoping...
  2. G

    Halo 2 Multiplayer Strategies

    I have created an on-line wiki for Halo 2 Multiplayer Strategies over at I know that some of you may be asking yourself what a wiki is but simply it is a way for people to work together to edit a webpage. I have the basics started but I would like to do more. I was hoping...
  3. G

    Halo2 Clan

    We are still looking for members!
  4. G

    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

    Gamertag: Goose241 Clan:Gods Military Stats: STATS I look forward to playing with everyone. Please send me a friend request and I will send you a clan invite if you like.
  5. G

    Trading in games

    You can always sell the stuff on ebay or just another option to explore.
  6. G

    Halo2 Clan

    Hey check out Gods Halo Players we are a christian clan that gets together to play Halo2.  We aren't always the best but we have a great time.  If you would like a clan invite just pop in Halo2 and send me Goose241 a friend request along with a reminder to add you to the clan and I will add you...