CGA dedicated server hosting expenses for 2015 due 7/15


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Our yearly dedicated server hosting bill is due July 15.

Last year's expense was $420 USD.

I've sent an e-mail to our hosting provider, Abba Communications, asking if the price will be the same this year.

I hope to have an opportunity to check the CGA Paypal account tonight. I'll report in once I'm able.

For more information on how you can financially support the Christian Gamers Alliance, please read the following thread:

I'm interested in discussing raising an additional $140 or more for a XenForo license and add-ons so we can move away from vBulletin 4. Someone (probably me or Lloren) will also need to research what would be involved in converting a vB4 database to XenForo.

And as a side note: Please remember that the server also hosts the CGA TeamSpeak Server in addition to hosting the CGA Forums.
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I received the invoice from our hosting provider and the expense is indeed $420 for the year.

We currently have $86.84 USD in the CGA Paypal account, leaving $333.16 USD left to raise in 26 days.
Info on how to donate please. I forgetted.
Here you go, sir:

[...] here are the instructions on how to donate:
  • Method #1: Please click here to donate to the Christian Gamers Alliance via the forums subscription module. You can choose to donate one time or in monthly auto-pay installments. Please note to use the forums subscription module you must have a registered account on the forums.
  • Method #2: If you do not wish to register a forums account or pay through the forums subscriptions module, please send your donations via Paypal to donations AT cgalliance DOT org.
If you do not have a Paypal account, click here to create one. It does not cost anything to create a Paypal account. If you have any questions please contact donations AT cgalliance DOT org
Last update was a week ago. Can we get a new estimate of where we are on donations? Also, I gotta quit forgetting the Amazon Store. Is ATown still the go-to on that? I don't have any major (or even minor) purchases in mind off the top of my head, but I do want to pick up any Guild Wars novels I don't have and more D&D 5e materials in the not-too-distant future, and I'm inclined to guess that at least the former is store appropriate. :D
Last update was a week ago. Can we get a new estimate of where we are on donations?
Unfortunately, only one donation has come in since I first posted this thread.

Our Paypal account now sits at $91.39 USD, leaving $328.61 USD left to raise in 18 days--less than 3 weeks.

I had planned to donate toward the end of the fundraising effort to help close the gap if necessary. I had also planned on buying a XenForo license for the CGA myself if other community members donate enough to cover the hosting expenses, but I may adjust my plans and sit down with my wife to discuss our current finances and how much we can reasonably give at this time.
Quick copy/paste before I hurry to bed!
[...] we met our funding goal last night thanks to a single very, VERY generous donation. Yes, we will carry on for another year and I am extremely grateful to our donor. So grateful that I refuse to rest on my hindquarters and wait for another 11 months to pass before fundraising again. This single donation is a tremendous blessing and also a financial sacrifice for one individual.

I've done some rough calculations and, accounting for Paypal fees, we could fund our annual hosting and domain expenses if 8 people in our community gave $5 a month. We already have one member who has given faithfully for years (which is why we started at ~$90 a month this year). I'll be the second. That means if 6 more people donate $5 a month, we're set and we don't have to scramble for donations next year.

That would address the financial issue.

What remains is the issue of community members investing time and energy into helping this community grow and do work that glorifies God, shares the Gospel with others, and edifies fellow Christians.

I'm at the end of my available time to post today, but I hope to have an opportunity to return to this thread tomorrow and share more on my vision regarding member involvement from this point forward.
For anyone considering setting up a monthly donation: Please wait until I can build some HTML for that purpose. I'll post once I have the page ready.
For anyone considering setting up a monthly donation: Please wait until I can build some HTML for that purpose. I'll post once I have the page ready.
Please disregard. I had thought that Paypal might not charge fees for receiving donations, but that is, unfortunately, not the case.

Please continue to use the Subscriptions page built in to vBulletin 4 to set up recurring monthly donations.